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Warehouse Systems and Transportation

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  1. The University Academic Conduct Regulation outlines the behavioural
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    around submission times.
  3. It is a fundamental principle that students are assessed fairly and equitably.
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    to an examination to be ‘cheating’. The University will investigate and may
    sanction any acts or behaviours which breach the Code of Academic Conduct.
  4. In view of the University Covid-19 response and the exceptional actions
    necessary to conduct off campus exams, all students are reminded that this is
    an individual task and that students who contact or collude with other students
    to complete their exam may be subject to sanction later.
  5. The criteria to Request to Repeat an Assessment Attempt (RRAA) has been
    extended to include Covid-19 related issues – this includes illness, self-isolation,
    IT issues due to remote working, accessibility of learning and research
    materials, unexpected childcare.
  6. Whilst the release period for this exam is a 24-hour period, this exam should
    take you no longer than the above suggested duration to complete. Please be
    sensible about the amount of time you spend completing and submitting your
    work and make allowance for technical issues prior to the deadline.
  7. Candidates will not need a calculator.
    MODULE CODE: 55-704261
  8. This is an OPEN BOOK examination. All module resources will remain
    available throughout the exam period.
  9. Answer THREE questions from SIX. No marks will be awarded for attempting
    further questions. All questions carry equal marks.
  10. Use APA referencing and cite sources for each question providing a reference
    list at the end of each question.
  11. The maximum word count for each answer is 1200 words. State the word
    count at the end of each answer you give.
  12. Academic support will be available in two 1-hour slots between: 09:00 and
    10:00 and 11:00 to 12:00 at the start of the exam. Both sessions will be
    via Collaborate and a link can be found on the Blackboard site.
  13. It is possible that you may encounter technical issues during the exam; if you
    have any difficulty with IT you should consult the below student guidance
    document on My Hallam which contains useful information on hints and tips,
    contact numbers and links to support:
  14. Any changes or clarification to the exam paper will be communicated via the
    module Blackboard site announcements. It is recommended that students
    monitor Blackboard announcements prior to submission of their final script but
    particularly in the first hour after release of the exam paper.

 Use lined paper if hand writing your responses.

Submission Guidance:
Submit your work to the Exam Submission point on the Bb for this module.
If you have hand written your answer use MS Office Lens to photo and stitch your
answers together. It is your responsibility to ensure that your submission is legible.
Check it before you submit it. Any illegible sections of submissions will not be
marked and this will reduce your overall exam mark.
If you type your response then submit this via both the TurnIt In submission point
and the main submission point.
If you have any issues then refer to the link above.
MODULE CODE: 55-704261

  1. Discuss the main considerations of warehouse and transportation network
    design if cost effective distribution of goods is to be achieved along a supply chain.
    As part of your answer, outline three different means of assessing the efficiency of a
    network critically discussing the theory and their application.
    Word count: Suggested more than 800, maximum 1200 words. (20 Marks)
  2. Define the concepts of time, space, and place utility. Then critically discuss
    the process of mode selection, considering strategic as well as tactical factors that
    may determine or influence selection of the 5 alternative modes of transportation. As
    part of your answer, you should contrast the impacts of time and space utility on
    customer expectation and operational efficiency for any given mode.
    Word count: Suggested more than 800, maximum 1200 words. (20 Marks)
  3. Explain the need for maintaining stock integrity in a warehouse and critically
    evaluate the theory of stocktaking as a means of maintaining stock accuracy. As
    part of your answer critically contrast the alternative strategies that can be deployed
    to manually check and correct accounts and suggest suitable technologies that can
    assist with the process of stocktaking explaining what advantages and
    disadvantages such technologies present.
    Word count: Suggested more than 800, maximum 1200 words. (20 Marks)
  4. Materials Handling Equipment (MHE) is required to make the movement of
    goods in a warehouse more efficient. Critically discuss the theory of unitisation in its
    various forms and outline the impact of unitisation on MHE use and selection. As
    part of your answer critically contrast developments in automated and semiautomated materials handling systems.
    Word count: Suggested more than 800, maximum 1200 words. (20 Marks)
  5. Critically evaluate the theory around efficient picking operations and the core
    factors that determine picking speed in a warehouse. Critically discuss strategies
    that drive efficiency and as part of your answer, critically contrast three alternative
    warehouse picking systems (pick to light, voice and vision picking) and comment on
    the benefits and challenges of automating this process.
    Word count: Suggested more than 800, maximum 1200 words. (20 Marks)
  6. Critically discuss the theory of logistics packaging design and outline the key
    factors to be considered when selecting suitable ‘packaging’ and ‘packing’ for
    transportation of a given product. As part of your answer discuss the difference
    between open and closed loop systems and using case studies or examples, outline
    alternative ways to re-use rather than reduce or recycle packaging.
    Word count: Suggested more than 800, maximum 1200 words. (20 Marks)
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