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Violent Lives Violent Societies

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Identifying the Public Health Response 5HW011

Module Overview

Globally violence undermines health and costs lives. Violence has therefore been declared as a major Public Health issue. This module will identify and review the spectrum of violence from individual/interpersonal violence to global/organizational violence. It will consider the impact this has on Public health and how Public Health can respond to violence and support victims of violence.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome1. Demonstrate a conceptual knowledge of a range of theoretical perspectives that attempt to explain societal, cultural and interpersonal violence

Learning outcome 2. Apply theoretical perspectives of violence to a specific issue of violence within a Health and social care context.

Learning outcome 3. Identify and review available preventative and supportive resources that currently exist within a Public Health context.

Module Content

An overview of theoretical perspectives of violence and an exploration of how these perspectives inform and influence Public Health.

 A review of the epidemiology of violence, nationally and globally will be addressed

 Consideration of the spectrum of violence will include; individual and interpersonal violence, gendered violence, family violence, societal and organizational violence, cultural violence.

Public Health response to violence. Government strategies and Non-Governmental Organisational support.

Module Assessment:

Part One:  Assignment one (2000 words) 80% of overall grade (Addresses LO1 & LO2)

There are three key components to this assignment:

  1. Choose a specific area of violence that impact on the health and social care of a group or an individual.

Examples of violence can range from interpersonal violence such as domestic violence, child abuse and family violence to broader issues of violence such as gun crime, gang violence and conflict.

  •  Compare and contrast two theories that attempt to explain this particular form of violence.

Theories will be taken from the key theoretical perspectives that will be explored throughout the module namely Psychological, Sociological, Biological, Cultural/anthropological)

  • Explore the impact of this form of violence in the wider context of public health.

Consider the impact of the specific area of violence chosen on the wider social determinants of health.

Part two:  Assignment two (project 1500 words) 20% of overall grade (Addresses LO3)

This part of the assessment has two key components:

  1. Identify a website that serves as a resource for the specific area of violence you have discussed in the assignment.

For example: if you have chosen to explore domestic violence you could look at the Women’s Aid website or a local refuge website)

  • Using the CARS evaluation framework (available on CANVAS) critically review the selected website and make recommendations as to how any gaps in this resource could be addressed.

5HW011: Violent Societies, Violent lives.

Marking Criteria for assignment One (the essay)

Student:                                                            Number:

Assignment sectionComments
An appropriate area of violence is selected and justified in a health and social care context   
Identification of two underpinning theories   
Analysis of theoretical perspective/s   
Examination of the impact of this specific area of violence on public health   
  Assignment structure 

5HW011: Violent Societies, Violent lives.

Assignment Two (The project)

Student:                                                            Number:

Assignment sectionComments
An appropriate website related to  violence is selected and justified in a health and social care context   
Identification and justification of CARS evaluation criteria   
Evidence of application of evaluative criteria to website.   
Some attempt to give appropriate recommendations/identification of gaps in resources. 
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