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Teamwork And Leadership Analysis Report

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MGMT8435-W2021- Sustainable Leadership                                      

Group Project Report ‘Teamwork & Leadership Analysis’- (Weightage 20%)

A. Project Purpose & Learning Outcomes

This is a group project and should be completed by contributions of 4 members. The purpose of this project is for the team to diagnose and evaluate situations from the group project whereby leadership, management, teamwork and/or followership competencies either helped or hindered the accomplishment of the video project in terms of task accomplishment or group dynamics.

The assignment is further designed to help you focus on improving the application of specific management, leadership, teamwork and/or followership competencies and to appreciate and diagnose work-related situations where management, leadership, teamwork and/or followership competencies are needed, and intervention may be required to ensure the success of a project.

B. Due Dates

  1. The written report (1 from each team) is due in the dropbox by 11:00 pm of the final class day of the semester.  This is the day the video will be presented to the class. 
  2. As part of the video presentation to the class, each team will present a “high level” summary of their teamwork and leadership analysis – no more than 5 minutes. Video presentations take place during the final class of the semester.

C. Assignment Instructions & Requirements

You will continue with your video team members for this part of the project.

  1. Teams must identify three incidents during which management, leadership, teamwork and/or followership competencies were either lacking or superbly displayed and explain the consequences of their absence or presence.  
  2. Write your report in the following format:
    1. Introduction of team and project including listing each of the incidents that will be analyzed in the report.
    1. Incident one report (no more than 1 page)
      1. Incident description: explain the situation that led you to write about this competency including the consequences of the situation to group members, the group as a whole, and/or the task.  Provide concrete examples, not a general discussion.
      1. Competency: identify the competency that was absent or present and describe this competency using course materials to support your analysis about why success and/or failure of this competency was impactful on the project outcome that you obtained.
      1. Future: if you’re discussing the absence of a competency, explain what you would do differently in future situations involving similar incidents in order to create better outcomes.  If you are discussing the presence of a competency, explain what you have learned about successful management, leadership teamwork and/or followership from this incident.
    1. Incident two Report (follow the same format listed above)
    1. Incident three report (follow the same format listed above)
    1. Conclusion: Provide a concise summary of the key learnings form the project regarding management, leadership, teamwork and/or followership
    1. Appendix: If sourced video material is use (i.e. not your original footage) list the sources using APA formatting in a separate appendix with the heading “Video source material” – this is not included in the word count and is in addition to any APA referencing and sourcing that my be required for the report

Submission Requirements:

  1. Your final video will be presented to the class at the last class of the semester
  2. An up to 5-minute summary of your analysis report will be presented after your video is played. (see separate Summary Report assignment document)
    1. Slides may be used for the summary presentation.
    1. The 5-minute presentation time limit will be strictly enforced (not including video time).
  3. Each team member must be present in class to receive the full grade earned for the video and the summary presentation. If absent 50% of the earned grade will be awarded to absent team members for each element.
  4. Not every team member is required to be in the presentation. One person only may make the presentation (or more team members)
  5. The final written report is due in the dropbox by 11:59 pm on the day of the presentation.

A good solid analysis report will identify clear and specific incidents and competencies that were experienced as successes or weaknesses during the team video production project “What is sustainable leadership.” The report will be composed of mostly original work, based on the actual experience of the team and individuals and supported with material and concepts from the course. The work will be honest and candid and avoid generalizations. 

Format: Report style per the instructions above.  Include a title page with all team member’s names.


Report length: Written report – up to 1500 words.

Report Summary Presentation: In class “high level” presentation of the report – up to 5 minutes (enforced)

References and Citations: Conestoga APA is to be used when references and citations are required

D. Evaluation Rubric

Rubric:  The written report is marked out of 15 points and the report presentation is marked out of 5 points for a total of 20 points for this part of the project.  The report has a value up to 20% of your final grade.

This is the rubric for the written report (15 points)

14/15 points – The work is exceptional, demonstrating thoughtful analysis and insights into the three incidents and related competencies that were examined.  Analysis is thorough and consistent with the course concepts. The work fulfills all of the assignment requirements.

11/13 points – The work is good quality, demonstrating good analysis and insights into the three incidents and related competencies that were examined.  Analysis is competent and consistent with the course concepts. The work fulfills almost all of the assignment requirements.

8-10 points – The work is quality is adequate, demonstrating some adequate analysis and insights into the three incidents and related competencies that were examined.  Analysis is weak and lacking in consistency with the course concepts. The work is missing some of the assignment requirements.

0-7 points – The work is superficial and/or unclear and fails to adequately achieve the assignment requirements. Course theories are absent or not relevant.

This is the rubric for the report presentation (5 points)

4/5 points The work is exceptional and well presented, demonstrating excellent high-level summaries of the analysis contained in the written report. The presentation is clear and concise and within the time limit. The work fulfills all of the assignment requirements.

3/4 pointsThe work is good quality, demonstrating good high-level summaries of the analysis contained in the written report. The presentation is competent and accurate. The work may be missing some of the assignment requirements and may have exceeded the time limit.

2/3 points – The work is quality is poor, demonstrating in adequate high-level summaries of the analysis contained in the written report. The presentation is incompetent and inconsistent. The work may be missing some of the assignment requirements and may have exceeded the time limit.

0/1/2 points – The work is superficial and/or unclear and fails to adequately achieve the assignment requirements.

Time Limit: The presentation time does not include the video presentation time.  Presentations that exceed 5 minutes time limit will be cut off at 5:15 minutes.

E. Academic Integrity

Spelling, grammar and writing quality: up to 2 points may be deducted for writing deficiencies.

Conestoga APA: Failure to use Conestoga APA when required may result in a zero grade and additional academic penalties for plagiarism.

Turnitin: All work will be submitted to the eConestoga dropbox and subject to Turnitin review.

“Written or other work which a student submits in a course shall be the product of his/her own efforts. Plagiarism, cheating, or other forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. Cheating means the misrepresentation by the student of his/her performance in a college setting” (Conestoga College, 2017).  For more information on Academic Integrity please visit and/or come speak with me.  To avoid plagiarism, be sure to cite your sources using the APA style.  Should you require further information and/or assistance using the APA style guide, please seek help from Writing Services or visit

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