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Sustainable supply Chain Management Assignment

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Assignment Brief
You are starting your new role as a junior supply chain consultant at a multinational consulting corporation. As part of your job, you and your team need to carry out some research activity to prepare to each consultation.  The first project you are involved in is about the implementation of sustainable supply chain practices for a variety of clients. As a junior consultant, you need to conduct research to gain understanding of the potential challenges of the project, detecting issues, and investigating ways to resolve them.

Therefore, before meeting your client, you and your team need to conduct a research activity to identify the potential barriers of implementing the sustainable supply chain practices and how to overcome those barriers.  In building the case study you are to complete the attached template (see CW2 – Sustainable Supply Chain Practices Template). More specifically, you are to: Present and critically discuss the concept of sustainable supply chain management in the current scenario (max 250 words). Explain the process that leads to the key words’ selection for your research (max 250 words).

It is required to list all the key words used. Review a series of peer reviewed journal articles and summarise your findings in the table provided within the template. Each member of the group needs to review 2 journal papers. That means the number of papers to be reviewed in a group is calculated as the number of team members * 2 journal papers = Total number of papers to be reviewed. For example, a group of 5 students will review 2×5=10 papers, while a group of 6 will review 12 papers. To conclude your report, you’ll be using the information gathered from the analysis of the literature, to critically reflect on the background of the project. Therefore, you are to: Critically discuss the existing barriers to the implementation of sustainable supply chain practices.  Identify, explain and critically discuss viable solutions to overcome the barriers identified.  

  Submission Requirements:   Total word limit range should be 2,500 words (±10%); any excess words beyond 2,750 may not be marked.  The wordcount excludes appendix and references. References needs to be listed in a separate word file. Each reference needs to include the link to the source. Each group needs to fill in the submission template provided on Canvas and submit on Canvas.  The wordcount must be included in the submitted file – possibly at the end of the page. This is a group assignment, only one submission per group.   Evaluation of individual contribution to Group assignment After submitting the assignment, members are to submit an evaluation form that justifies their contribution. Students are given an opportunity to list any members of the group that they feel did not contribute their fair share. They will have to provide a robust justification for their choice. The academic judgement for the justification will be made by the tutors. Member will have to be named 3 times (for groups of 5) or 4 times (for groups of 6) to get their marks adjusted.  Up to -20% reduction in awarded marks.  
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