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Spiral of silence Research Assignment

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Overview – Your final paper will build off the work you completed for the annotated bibliography. You will write a paper in which you apply a communication theory to your profession. The theory must be one we reviewed during the semester.

Communications theory to use: Spiral of silence

Requirements – The guidelines are as follows:

  • An introduction in which you present the reader an issue facing your profession, citing relevant professional literature (2-3 pages)
  • An introduction and overview of a relevant communications theory (3-4 pages)
  • An application of the theory to the professional issue, such that you create a “best practices” guide that would aid your colleagues in using the theory to succeed while handling the issue. (4-5 pages)
  • Use APA format, 6th edition
  • 9 to 12 pages in length (the reference list, while required, does not count toward this page requirement)
  • Double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins
  • Proper grammar and spelling

The following questions might help you develop your paper:

Introduction of Issue (2-3 pages)

  • What issue is facing your profession?
  • Why should readers care?
  • What are industry pundits and professionals saying about the issue?
  • Briefly, how might we address the issue using communications theory?

Theory Section (3-4 pages)

  • What theory are you using to address the professional issue?
  • Briefly, why is the theory relevant for this issue?
  • What are the assumptions underlying the theory?
  • What are the concepts and relationships? How have scholars defined the concepts?
  • What predictions/explanations does the theory offer?

Application of Theory to Issue (4-5 pages)

  • When we apply the theory to the issue, what might we expect?
  • What explanations would it offer?
  • What insight does the theory (and its supporting research) offer us that will help professionals address the issue?
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