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Software and Hardware Solutions assignment

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       For Enterprise X to adopt a more strategic business model and embrace the inevitable paradigm shift to interne tworking, it will need to do more than adopt a new Systems Architecture, it will also need to replace the components that make up its IT-Infrastructure. An obstacle for quick adoption of a new strategy is the legacy IT-Infrastructure. Analyze the challenges faced by the IT personnel in replacing legacy hardware and software. Moreover, analyze the pros and cons of the decisions regarding replacement. Bear in mind that there may be data issues and training issues to consider and address.

       Real-life cases that corroborate your findings and recommendations in this area will be very helpful in gaining acceptance for your plan. You should also analyze the positioning on McFarlan’s Strategic Grid in order to position the relative importance of these components with respect to cost and other factors that you might be able to identify.

To submit your assignment:

  • Use Microsoft Word to write a 750- to 1000-word position paper that describes your findings and recommendations.
  • You may include diagrams and illustrations to enhance and/or clarify your position on the technical issues addressed.
  • Follow APA guidelines to write the report and cite your sources as appropriate.
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