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School Setting Data Analysis Assignment

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Assignment Part 1

Part 1: In this first part of the assignment, from the role of the principal at a school, explore, analyze, and describe the school setting and the types of data available for your analysis, and write a narrative of the specific data analysis in which you will engage. Using  an appropriate technology tool (e.g. Excel, SPSS), analyze data on your schools’ curriculum, including students’ learning scores for standardized and diagnostic tests, and any other appropriate data available.  You can focus on data for a class. Look for patterns and areas of concern linked to specific standards. Identify any indicators for which the data indicate students’ learning gaps. Based on the data you analyze, write SMART goals to address the concern.  Include in part 1: an analysis and description of the school setting (demographics, size, level) and the types of data available for your analysis, the link/s to the tools used to analyze data, a table with the data. Also, display the data in a graphical representation. In addition, write a narrative that names and explains the standards that are areas of concern. Create goal/s to address the areas of concern.

For extra credit (1 point): A: copy the rubric below at the end of your paper. Highlight on the rubric everything you see in your paper. If you notice that you are missing something, make the changes on your paper. Go back to the rubric and add the points. B: Answer these questions: how was this self-assessment process? Have you used it with your students, teachers, or employees? Would you? Why?    

Rubric Part 1.

Technology tool used to analyze and share quantitative data. 4 pts.  Includes detailed description of the school settings (level, size, demographics, and more) Data correctly analyzed in detail including subgroups using an appropriate technology tool (2.5 pts) and accurately displayed in a table and graphical representation. (1.5 pts)Includes description of the school settings (level, size, demographics). Data correctly analyzed using an appropriate technology tool (2 pts) and accurately displayed in a table or graphical representation. (0.75)Fails to include description of the school settings with level, size, or demographics. Data analyzed not using a technology tool or incorrectly analyzed or displayed in a table or graphical representation, or not displayed. (0.-0.5)
Students’ learning outcomes analyzed. 10 pts.Students’ learning outcomes correctly analyzed in standardized test, diagnostic tests, and other appropriate data. (6 points) Links to tools   used to analyze and display data included. (1 point) Narrative identifies and explains standards related to area of concern. (1.5pt).  Correctly set  Smart goals address all areas of concern. (1.5pt). Students’  learning outcomes analyzed in 2 of these: standardized test, diagnostic tests, other appropriate data. (5 pts) Link to tool used to analyze or display data is included. (0.5 pts) Narrative names or explains standards related to area of concern. (0.5pt).Correctly set  Smart goals address most areas of concern. (1pt). Students’ learning outcomes analyzed in 1 of these: standardized test, diagnostic tests, other appropriate data. (1-4) No link to tool used to analyze or display data is included. (0 pt.)  No narrative on standards related to area of concern (0 pt.) or narrative is incomplete. (0 pt.) Smart goals address less than 50 % of areas of concern or are incorrect. (0.5-0pt). 
Part 1 formatting, APA, and Writing for each part of assignment. 1 point.FSE cover page is included, double space is used. There is a list of references. APA guidelines are used correctly for citations. There are no grammatical errors or misspellings. (Full credit)One of these items is missing: FSE cover page, double space, or a list of reference. APA guidelines are used correctly for most citations. One or two grammatical errors or misspellings. (-1 point.)Two or more of these items are missing: FSE cover page, double space, or a list of reference. APA guidelines are used incorrectly for most citations. Three or more grammatical errors or misspellings. (-2 points.)
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