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Psychology Mental Health Assignment

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Psychology Mental Health Assignment

The “Better at Work” principle guides the WSIB approach to case management and is reflected in many policies and programs.

The following four key principles support the Better at Work approach:

  • Work is important to overall well-being
  • Early intervention is key
  • Return to work enhances recovery and is part of the rehabilitation process
  • Barriers to return to work are often inappropriately ‘medicalized’
  • Psychology Mental Health Assignment

Read the Better at Work (PDF) study.  This study outlines the notion of Better at Work, how it relates to the WSIB and references other studies into best practices.

Learning Outcomes
3.6  Discuss how to implement WSIB’s “Better at Work” document in the workplaceproducing credible communication 11081 Assignment

Discussion Guidelines:

  • Post #1 – deadline by Thursday of week 7
    • A quote from the “Better at Work” document.
    • What are your thoughts or insights about this quote? (50 to 150 words)
  • Post #2
    • Provide any experiences you have had with the first three principles presented within the Better at Work approach.
  • Post #3
    • You have been tasked with promoting the Better at Work approach. What three things can you do?
    • How do you interpret the term “medicalized”?


  • It’s okay if your discussion pertains to actual situations in your own workplace; just don’t use any specific identifiers.



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