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Applied Final Project

The major project in this course is called “My Lot in Life.” This project involves writing a paper on the given topic. Topics will be randomly assigned to you during the second week of class.

In the paper you will address the issue in “your lot” (e.g., your child is born with Down syndrome).

The paper involves presenting the issue, identifying the relevant psychological theories and concepts, summarizing the current research, and stating why the issue is important. Your summarization of current research must identify both sides of the arguments or all ways of dealing with the issue; for example, whether to mainstream or institutionalize children with Down syndrome. You must also discuss how you would deal with this “lot.” The paper may not consist only of answers to these questions; it must be an integrated essay. You will tell the story from your point of view but will incorporate research about the topic that is informing your decision-making process.

You must include at least four peer-reviewed journal references, two scholarly website references, and one current article in a popular-press magazine (this may also be a television magazine–show piece).

The paper is to be 6–8 pages long, not including the title and reference pages. The title page, reference page, page numbering, and in-text citations must be in proper APA Format. You will submit this paper to your Assignments folder.

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