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Pros And Cons English Paper

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This assignment requires you to write two paragraphs. The first paragraph will be the
“pro” in support of your issue. The second paragraph will be the “con” of your issue.
Each paragraph will have a paraphrased or summarized example.

  1. Select ONE of these issues:
    a. Wage Standards
    b. Screen Time for Children
    c. Jury Duty
  2. Go to the Library database and search for one “pro” article and one “con” article on the
  3. Read the article and underline important support that you will want to include in your
  4. Create your pro paragraph using your pro article; include a paraphrase or a summary of
    the evidence from your article. Be sure to include an in-text citation: (author’s last name,
    year of publication).
  5. Create your con paragraph using your con article; include a paraphrase or a summary of
    the evidence from your article. Be sure to include an in-text citation: (author’s last name,
    year of publication).
  6. Make sure you create a reference page for the two articles you use in your paragraphs.
    • Submit a Word document or PDF.
    • Include an APA formatted title page and proper APA style formatting on the document
    (Times New Roman, 12-point font suggested), with 1-inch margins and doublespaced.
    • Each paragraph should be 7–9 sentences.
    • Use evidence from an academic and reliable library resource that is either
    paraphrased or summarized. Make sure to include that evidence in your essay
    with a parenthetical citation and a references page. Follow proper APA format
    when including that evidence.
    • Use objective third-person language: “he,” “she,” “it,” “him,” “her,”
    “himself,” “herself,” “itself,” “they,” “them,” “their,” “themselves.” (Avoid
    subjective language, such as “I,” “me,” “you,” “we,” “us,”etc.)
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