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Professional Development Response Assignment

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Professional Development Response Assignment


 Students will individually respond to key selection criteria as if they were applying for a job
You will develop a written response to three key selection criteria demonstrating knowledge of inclusion and diversity in the everyday work of an early learning teacher. Carefully read the position description and the complete l****** of selection criteria to obtain a hol******ic idea of the requirements.

In this case for the assignment you are required to develop your response to the criteria:
below three selection criteria in the l****** which are:
– Must serve to promote social justice and equity by demonstrating an attitude of acceptance and respect for all children and their families.
– Must possess a positive attitude to the inclusion of children with additional needs and those of all cultures
– Must possess empathy for the individual needs and desires of the child and their families.

Ensure that you respond to EACH of the three selection criterion by:

– Providing examples of “professional development” that you have undertaken that address these key selection criteria and identify further professional development you would be keen to explore to show that you understand your own professional development needs – this will include what you have learnt in this class about the criterion (or from other places), what you would still like to learn, and your proposal for how you can learn this.
– Providing examples of teaching and learning strategies that demonstrates knowledge of the National ——- Quality Framework and the rights of the child.
– Providing examples of experiences that include professional, community, and cultural participation and diversity. These might be from placement, or what you anticipate you would do.

Professional development may be used in reference to a wide variety of specialized training, formal education, or advanced professional learning intended to help admin******rators, teachers, and other educators improve their professional knowledge, competence, s******, and effectiveness.

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