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Principles of Project Management Assignment

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Individual assignment – ideally 1 page, max 2 pages paper (excluding title page and references):

What is the largest project you have been involved in? (You do not have to have been the project manager, but could have played another role.)

  1. Write one sentence that describes the objective of the project.
  2. Describe specifically how this project meets the definition of a project used in this textbook. (How is it unique? What were the time constraints? If it is over, how did you know it was over? If it is ongoing, how will you know when it is over?
  3. What was your role? Were you the project manager, a volunteer, some other role? If you were not the project manager, who was?
  4. Was the project part of a larger portfolio or program of projects?
  5. Who else was involved?
  6. What was the budget?
  7. Did you anticipate any risks at the outset? Did the project experience any outside forces that caused a change in either the objectives or the approach to achieving those objectives?

You will be graded on the clarity and authenticity of written expression: I am reading YOUR words and can hear YOUR voice, and you are using your best written English

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