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Principles of Pharmacology Assignment

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Principles of Pharmacology Assignment


Please read all instructions (general and specific) carefully! General instructions to students:

1. Word count

  • The word count is a maximum (not plus/minus 10%). There is no minimum word count.
  • Please refer to the specific instructions below regarding what is and what isn’t included in the maximum word count for this assignment.
  • Penalties will be applied for exceeding the word count as follows: o Up to 1% (e.g. up to 2020 for a 2000 word maximum) no penalty o Up to 10% (e.g. between 2021 and 2200 words) 5% penalty o Up to 20% (e.g. between 2201 and 2400 words) 10% penalty o Etc. (i.e. 5% penalty for every 10% above word count)
  • Enter your word count at the bottom of your submission
  1. Submission
  • Your work should be submitted via Turnitin, following the submission link in your module area in Canvas or VITAL (as appropriate).
  • Please make sure that you follow the guidance on ‘Submission procedures for assessed coursework’ which is published in the School Handbook on Canvas.
  • Also refer to the School Handbook in relation to the penalties for Late Submission and possible exemptions.
  • If you have any technical problems submitting to Turnitin by the deadline, you should email your work to the module organiser (copying in ), as evidence that you have submitted in time. You should then continue to attempt submitting via Turnitin.
  •   3. Academic Integrity The University’s Academic Integrity policy and your annual Academic Integrity declaration apply to this assessment. If necessary, the full range of penalties (Category A, B, C, D, and E) will be available to examiners if they discover contraventions of the Academic Integrity policy. You can consult the
  • University’s Academic Integrity guide for students here:
  • Please note: Your answer should be written in your own words. Do not use any verbatim (word for word) quotes. Expectations: In this assessment, we expect students to write a well structured essay which correctly uses the appropriate terminology and referencing. To provide context, you should give background information based on the relevant module content. When you address the question, you should use your knowledge and understanding of the module content, but you should also use relevant literature to add a different perspective and/or more detail. At the higher end of the marking scheme, markers will also be looking for an element of criticality and synthesis. We will also expect a well-founded conclusion. Principles of Pharmacology Assignment

Coursework Questions: Assessment question/ task:

  1. Although acetylcholine may bind to both nicotinic and muscarinic receptors, they have very different structures and modes of action. Compare and contrast the nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors; detailing their physical structures, mode of action, acetylcholine binding site and the pharmacophore for acetylcholine binding.
  2. Assessment question/ task: Clopidogrel is an anti-antiplatelet drug used for the treatment of acute coronary syndrome. Describe in detail, how alterations in drug metabolism can affect an individual’s response to clopidogrel and clinical outcome.
  3. Assessment question/ task:

Describe the impact of drug resistance on the treatment of TB. You will need to describe drug targets and mechanisms of resistance to currently used agents. What are the molecular drivers of drug resistant TB?

Use APA format, double space ,new times roman.

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