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Primary Health Care in Action NURS1017

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                                                                   Primary Health Care in Action NURS1017


  1. a) Watch the video ”Primary healthcare for urban Aboriginal children’. Review the on-line learning materials under

the Assessment tab on vUWS.

  1. b) Write your answers to the 4 questions listed below. Responses must be in full, complete sentences. Your responses

must not be in point form.

  1. c) You do not need to re-write the question, but make sure you clearly identify which response is associated with

which question. This is not an essay, therefore you do not need an introduction or conclusion.

  1. Identify and discuss one social determinant of health that impacted on health and wellbeing of individuals/communities in the project. Ensure you reference your discussion using one scholarly reference.
  2. Identify and explain one primary health care principle in the project. Ensure you reference your discussion using

one scholarly reference.

  1. Identify and discuss one strategy from the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion that relates to the project. Ensure

you reference your discussion using one scholarly reference.

  1. Define cultural competence and discuss its significance to the success of the project. Ensure you reference your

discussion using one scholarly reference.

– Make sure you include examples from the video where prompted in the marking criteria. – Make sure you include relevant references when prompted from the marking criteria. – Use 7th edition APA referencing style for


Primary Health Care in Action NURS1017

– Attach a reference list that includes the video and any other sources you have cited. There is a word count

of 1000 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include

the reference list at the end of the assignment. In-text citations will be included in the word count. If you exceed to

word limit by more than 10%, the marker will stop marking.

Your submission to Turnitin should include ALL of the following:

  1. response to the 4 questions
  2. the reference list

This assessment has a weighting of 40% and will be adjusted accordingly

Submission Requirements

  1. Electronic copy only. Students are to submit an electronic copy of the assessment. Students are not required to

submit the original hard copy of their assessment on campus.

  1. Submit your assessment electronically through the Turnitin link on the subject vUWS site.
  2. Students are to upload the assessment with the following title; Surname_Firstname_assessment title
  3. Your assessment must be submitted in .doc. docx format.
  4. This assessment is marked online; no paper copy will be accepted. Marks, comments and the marking criteria

will be released online. If you do not receive your marked assessment when all others have been returned, it is your

responsibility to contact the Subject Coordinator for assistance.


All assignments are to be typed.

Typing must be according to the following format: 3cm left and right margins, double spaced. Font: Arial or Times

New Roman Font size: 12pt



  1. Examples may be available on the vUWS site.
  2. There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the Western Sydney University Library that may

assist you. Please refer to the subject’s vUWS site for specific subject resources.

iii. Assessments listed as individual assessments must be completed independently. Students are advised to refer

back to their notes, textbooks or appropriate academic, peer-reviewed resources utilised during subject delivery

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