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PICO and Literature Search Assignment

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CriteriaMasteryProficientDevelopingBeginningUnsatisfactoryCriterion ScorePICO question is properly formatted, per the EBP Step by Step 3 template.5 points


4.5 points4 points3.5 points2.5 points


Score of PICO question is properly formatted, per the EBP Step by Step 3 template.,/ 5All parts of the PICO are correctly identified for the question.10 points

4 parts

9 points

3 parts

8 points

2 parts

7 points

1 part

5 points

0 parts

Score of All parts of the PICO are correctly identified for the question.,/ 10All articles are primary source quantitative research reports20 points

4 articles

18 points

3 articles

16 points

2 articles

14 points

1 article

10 points

0 articles

Score of All articles are primary source quantitative research reports,/ 20All articles help answer the same PICO question20 points

4 articles

18 points

3 articles

16 points

2 articles

14 points

1 article

10 points

0 articles

Score of All articles help answer the same PICO question,/ 20Article citations in correct APA format10 points

no unique errors

9 points

1 unique error

8 points

2 unique errors

7 points

3 unique errors

6 points

4 or more unique errors

Score of Article citations in correct APA format,/ 10Articles are no older than 2016 AND PDFs of all articles are provided3 points


0 points0 points0 points0 points


Score of Articles are no older than 2016 AND PDFs of all articles are provided,/ 3Rubric Total ScoreTotalScore of PICO and Literature Search Rubric,/ 68

Overall Score

Overall Score

Advanced63 points minimum

Proficient58 points minimum

Developing51 points minimum

Beginning41 points minimum

Unsatisfactory40 points minimum

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