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Organization Design And Motivation

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Motivation is defined as “a condition of emotion or thinking. In which one feels energized or stimulated to complete a task or engage in certain behavior.” Burns, Bradley, and Weiner (2018) Employee engagement in the workplace is dependent on motivation. Though everyone has a distinct rationale or method for motivating employees, it typically boils down to the same procedure. Employees that are motivated are more inclined to stay with their company and strive for success. “The research is detailed for knowledge workers. Regular experiences of autonomy (feeling empowered to make meaningful choices about your work), relatedness to others (having at least a few high-quality connections with others), and competence. Having the ability to master tasks and be effective at what you do are consistently found to have the highest correlation with motivation for knowledge workers.”  (Davis-Laack,2017).

(Sindell & Sindell, 2012) Job security and compensation are the two main sub-factors that fall under security. Without these two, employees are bound to leave and find a new job that entails better compensation and even guaranteed employment. The second factor is identity, and it deals with oneself being proud of the organization they work for; this gives them a sense of happiness. Lastly, the third factor is stimulation. Allowing employees to be stimulated or challenged within allows for motivation. Many employers accomplish all three aspects by setting up goals with a reward to give their employees something to work toward (security), reasons to talk about or brag about their work (identity) and compete against each other for the reward (stimulation).

Read Chapters 3 and 4 in Burns, Bradley, & Weiner (2018) Shortell and Kaluzny’s Health Care ManagementOrganization Design & Behavior.

Please write approximately 1,750-2,000 words addressing the questions on the next page.

In this paper, please integrate information and insights from (a) the focal organization, (b) the textbook, (c) at least three scholarly publications, and (d) at least one other professional website in order to inform your analysis and recommendations.

Considering either (a) the organization where you work now or (b) an organization where you worked in the past:

  • How were the departments or other work units structured?
  • How well did departments collaborate to perform the work of the organization?
  • In what ways did the organization function smoothly and efficiently?
  • In what areas did the organization have problems in coordination and communication? What was causing these coordination and communication issues? How did these problems impact organizational performance?
  • What are your specific recommendations for organization design and coordination of work in order to improve the coordination and communication issues?



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