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Administer and monitor medicines HLTENN007

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General Instructions:

This assessments aim is to demonstrate some of the knowledge required to administer and monitor medications and intravenous (IV) therapy.

Read the questions below and use information obtained in the content from this unit, resources suggested by your teacher and your own research, answer each question.

APA 6th/ 7th edition style in-text referencing must be used for ALL answers and a reference list submitted with the assessment.

Students must use their own words to answer the questions.

Assessments that use, reproduce or adapt the work or ideas of another person without due acknowledgment will be graded as unsatisfactory. Please refer to the TAFE Queensland student rules regarding academic misconduct.

Information / Materials provided:

Use information on your chosen topic taken from the unit information on Connect, supported with your own research.

Assessment Criteria:

To achieve a satisfactory result, A satisfactory response must be provided for every question, your assessor will be looking for your ability to demonstrate the following key skills/tasks/knowledge to an acceptable industry standard:

Detailed information is included in the marking criteria. Ensure that you review the marking criteria carefully prior to submitting your assessment to ensure that all the criteria are met.

Number of Attempts: You are required to satisfactorily complete all assessments listed in the table below to be receive a ‘Competency Achieved’ result for the Unit(s) of Competency. You are responsible for complying with TAFE Queensland’s assessment rules and complete assessment tasks honestly.  You need to follow all assessment instructions, including submission details and retain a copy of all assessment items.  You must submit assessment on or by the due date, unless an extension has been granted.  Failure to submit or complete assessment on or by the due date will result in a “did not submit/sit” (DNS) being recorded (unless there are exceptional circumstances) and you will have five (5) days to submit your second and final attempt. For more information, refer to the TAFE Queensland Student Rules and Policies:

Submission details

Insert your details on page 1 and sign the Student Declaration. This will confirm you are submitting your own work. Include this template with your submission.  Students are advised to follow teacher direction on submission processes. If online submission:

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APA 6th / 7th edition style in-text referencing must be used for ALL answers and a reference list submitted with the assessment.

  1. Define the following terms:
  2. Pharmacokinetics





  • Pharmacodynamics





  • Bioavailability





  • First pass effect





  • Drug indication





  • Drug contraindication





  • Adverse drug reaction





  • Therapeutic range





  1. Toxicology






a.       List 3 forms of parenteral administration, and place an * next to the form that provides 100% bioavailability of a drug.







b.      Identify and discuss 4 factors that affect absorption of a drug. (min 40 words)






c.       List two (2) internal factors and two (2) external factors that affect metabolism of a drug.







d.       What factors can affect drug metabolism in an ELDERLY client and why? (min 40 words)








e.       List 4 routes by which drugs are excreted. Provide examples of 4 chronic diseases that may affect elimination of drugs.









f.        Define polypharmacy and describe what impacts this can have on a client. (min 40 words)






  • A. Match the formulation with the description.


Formulation Description
 orally disintegrating tablet containing medication
 medication dissolved in a water or alcohol base for topical application – lower viscosity than creams
 medication dissolved in sterile liquid for topical application
 a drug mixed with a base compound and compressed into a variety of shapes
 emulsion of oil and water for topical application
 mixture of oil and water containing a drug
 delivers drug through the skin at a steady concentration
 sterile aqueous or oily suspensions containing a drug delivered parenterally
 concentrated sugar solution containing a drug
 solid preparation containing a drug which dissolves when administered rectally
 liquid in which insoluble particles of the drug are dispersed
 semi-solid emulsion in an alcohol base for topical application.
 gelatine container enclosing a drug in liquid
 finely powdered or liquid drugs administered into respiratory system
  • What is meant by sustained or slow release? (min 30 words)






  1. Complete the gaps in the following table with the * in them
Medication Group/ClassificationCommon medication useGeneric medication example
Antacids*Aluminium hydroxide
AntibioticsBacterial infectionCephalexin
AnticoagulantsHistory of DVTHeparin
*Hay feverCetirizine
*Wound careBetadine
*Herpes simplexAcyclovir
*Generalised anxiety disorderClonazepam
*MenopauseOestrogen and Progesterone
Hypnotics, sedativesSedative*
Hyperglycaemic agent*Glucagon
 Electrolyte solutionsRehydration*
 Ophthalmic, otic*Acetozolamide
Nasal medications*Phenylephedrine
*Pregnancy preventionOestrogen and Progesterone
*Pulmonary oedemaFrusemide
 Narcotic analgesiaSevere pain*
NeurolepticsMood stabilizer*
*Bleeding disordersPhytonadione
  1. Below is a list of commonly used drugs. Discuss the following five (5) points for EACH of the drugs listed:
  2. The major drug group/class
  3. Common route/s of administration (there may be more than one)
  4. Mode of action
  5. Common adverse reactions
  6. Nursing implications
DrugMajor drug group/classCommon routes for administrationMode of actionAdverse ReactionsDescribe at least 3 Nursing Considerations for each of the below medications (what you need to know as a nurse administering this drug, both for you and the client)
Glyceryl Trinitrate     
Actrapid Insulin     

Case Study 2: Blood Transfusion

Mrs Jones is a 78-year-old lady, who has arrived via the emergency department on Sunday 0800 after falling at home and fracturing her femur, on admission IV therapy was commenced at 1000mls over 12hrs.  She is scheduled for surgery on Monday morning. Pathology indicated that her haemoglobin level was 9.7g/dL, and she has been prescribed a transfusion of 1 unit of packed red blood cells (PRBC). You assist the RN in preparing for Mrs Jones’ transfusion.

  1. Explain the rationale for administering a blood transfusion to this patient. (min 50 words)






  • Describe the potential complications of blood transfusion including what you would do if the patient experienced a potential delayed reaction (min 50 words)






  • What education would you provide to Mrs Jones to increase her awareness of the symptoms of a transfusion reaction? (min 50 words)






  • Describe how to transport, store, handle, check and dispose of blood and blood products safely. (min 50 words)






Case Study 3: IV Fluids

Jack King is a client who is on your ward with cholecystitis and is due to go to theatre in the morning. He has been prescribed intravenous (IV) fluids overnight as he is nil by mouth (NBM)

  1. Discuss why Jack has been prescribed IV fluids and provide one (1) example of a type of IV fluid that he may be prescribed. (min 50 words)








  • Identify what you would need to record when administering IV fluids.



















  • The RN tells you that Jack’s blood results show an electrolyte imbalance. Identify one common electrolyte imbalance and explain what would be given to treat this and how this would be administered. (min 50 words)








  • Jack tells you that he does not want the IV fluids and that he was not going to let you give them to him. Explain your actions relating to Jack’s refusal of the IV fluids. In your answer identify who you would report this to. (min 50 words)








Have you completed all in-text references and a reference list?

APA 6th edition style in-text referencing must be used for ALL answers and a reference list submitted with the ass

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