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Nursing Practice Experience Reflective

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Reflection (Answer the questions provided by the CNO in the space below; Be clear and concise. Be insightful and critically think about your practice. Proof read for grammar and spelling and keep your thoughts clear and simple. You can use point form or sentences).

  1. How did your experience this year impact your practice? What experiences stand out to you (for example, redeployment, pandemic response, changes in practice). Did you take additional responsibilities? Did you experience any challenges? If so, what were they? How did you manage them?

This year has impacted my nursing practice a great deal. I have experienced situations that have challenged my nursing competence. The experiences I have faced include the following:-

  • Corona Virus Pandemic and its response measures- the outbreak of corona virus not only caused physical but also mental exhaustion. I had limited experience of handling corona virus patients, thus when the virus broke out, all nurses, including me had to put extra effort in taking care of the many infected patient. I experienced mental and physical exhaustion because I had to participate in educating the public on measures of protecting themselves against contracting the virus and also I had to take the precautionary measures also, which I was not used to. From this experience I learned to work under pressure and how to educate the public.
  • Change in practice- I also experienced changes in my nursing practice. I was moved from my sector of operation to the sector of dealing with Coronavirus quarantined patients. From this experience I learned how to deal with chronic ill patients as well as how to protect myself from deadly airborne diseases like COVID 19.

In this experience I experienced the challenges of dealing with so many, critically ill patients who require constant observation. However, I managed to deal with the challenge by asking for help from my fellow nurses.

  • What changed, if anything, in terms of how you do your work? Provide examples of changes you noted for yourself and/or others (for example patients, clients, colleagues, students, the public), your practice setting and the overall health care system. Why were / are these changes important? How di you adapt to these changes?

The changes that occurred in my profession include the following:-

  • The outbreak of corona virus frightened everyone. All people, including doctors were panicking because the effects the disease was deadly. Measures such as quarantine and curfew were put in place to prevent people from walking around aimlessly. Schools, businesses and companies closed down due to the effects of the virus. Many hospitals had to mobilize more resources so that they can be able to accommodate many corona virus patients.   

These changes were important because they helped reduce the rate of the spread of the chronic disease

I was moved from dealing with out-patients to dealing with quarantined patients. I easily adapted to the changes by taking precautionary measures such as wearing masks and recommended nursing clothing that will protect me from contracting corona virus from the patients I was handling.

  • The healthcare system also changed. It had to mobilize more resources as well as make special preservations for corona virus patients. Also, it had the responsibility of educating the public on how to keep themselves from contracting the chronic disease. Thus, the system recruited many members to educate the public on their behalf. The changes were necessary because they public got to prevent further spread of the virus.
  • What learning opportunities did you identify through your experiences that you can apply moving forward? What did you learn that you will continue to use throughout your practice?

From the experiences above I learnt a lot.

  • I learned to work under pressure. From working under pressure I learned how to save time. Also, I learned how to focus more on my work as a nurse. From this I will be able to handle many patients at a time.
  • Secondly I learned the importance of team work. All sectors in the world were working together to stop the spread of corona virus. Thus, through team work, the cases of corona virus patients have gone down.
  • I also got opportunity to do research in quest of finding corona virus vaccine. This was a learning opportunity for me which I am determined to venture deeply.
  • Additionally, I learned extreme prevention mechanisms that I will able to apply in future in case a similar disease invest the world.
  • Based on your reflection, what areas of nursing knowledge, skill and judgement can you identify needing professional development? How will addressing these areas help you maintain or improve your nursing knowledge, skills or judgement? Which areas in your knowledge, skill and judgement are the most important to address and carry forward in your Quality Assurance for 2021?

The skills and knowledge that I need professional development in are:-

  • Working under pressure- I will address this by continuing to work with corona quarantined patients. This will enable me to be able to work under pressure in the future.
  • Handling chronic disease patients. I will maintain this skill by working in in-patients’ wards. The latter will help me to have enough experience of dealing with patients who are very ill.
  • Embracing team work. I will enhance the skill by continuing to work hand in hand with my fellow nurses.
  • Research knowledge and skills to help invent cure for chronic diseases. I will improve on this knowledge by doing experimental studies so that I can come up with cure for chronic diseases such as corona virus and cancer, among others
  • Public speaking skills to help with addressing the public. I will engage in activities that involve speaking with the public while educating them of their health safety. The latter will equip me with public speaking skills which are very useful in my profession.

The most important areas that I need to areas and carry forward in my Quality Assurance 2021 are:-

  • Knowledge and skill of working under pressure
  • Embracing team work
  • Communication skills
  • Public speaking skills

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