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Nursing Philosophy Discussion Assignment

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Nursing Philosophy Discussion Assignment


Philosophy of Nursing

Discuss your philosophy of nursing but deeply reflecting on your beliefs, values, and assumptions (5 points).

  • Define, using a reference, the term “beliefs.” Complete the following sentences:
  1. My beliefs about people…
  2. My beliefs about the environment…
  3. My beliefs about health…
  4. My beliefs about nursing…
  • Define, using a reference, the term “values.” Complete the following sentences:
  1. My values about people…
  2. My values about the environment…
  3. My values about health…
  4. My values about nursing …
  • Define, using a reference, the term “assumptions.” Complete the following sentences:
  1. My assumptions about people…
  2. My assumptions about the environment…
  3. My assumptions about health…
  4. My assumptions about nursing …Nursing Philosophy Discussion Assignment
  • Synthesize your ideas about your philosophy of nursing AND discuss how your philosophy influences your clinical practice as an advanced practice nurse?
  • NOTE: Use APA format, double spaced, new times roman



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