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 Multiculturalism Assignment 2 LIBS 1580

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                                                           Multiculturalism Assignment 2 LIBS 1580


1.Read the following article from the BBC on Canadian identity, (copy and paste in browser if it doesn’t open).  Multiculturalism Assignment 2 LIBS 1580

2.Then, read the assignment questions posed, and any links therein.

3.Type your answers (12 font, single space) to the questions labeled below the questions, and save ONLY those pages, as a new file, and upload to submission folder (with your names of course!). *Do not submit this entire document – only the last pages with questions, save as a new file with your name.

-Use your own words in providing your answers. ‘Use your own words’ does not mean ‘provide your opinion’ – it means show that you fully understand the concept/argument that the author is making by articulating the answer in your own words, and by making any references needed.

-Read the article, think about the questions, then plan out your answers and write them out coherently. Do not copy from the internet or other students.

Length? 3 pages, single spaced, Arial or Times font (12 size). You should use subheadings or numbers to clearly label the different sections of your assignment, and this should include a bibliography/references section where applicable.


  1. Consult the article above, and explain and summarize (in own words) what the author means by the importance of a connected population.

(Insert answers here below in full sentences, not in point form. Use references where required)

  1. What, in your opinion, is the main important takeaway from this article, about Canadian culture and identity?

(Insert answers here below in full sentences, not in point form. Use references where required)

3) In your own view, what are 3 important traits that make up modern-day Canada, and why?

(Insert answers here below in full sentences, not in point form. Use references where required)

4) How can Canada come to terms with its difficult past and relationship with Indigenous peoples and treatment of certain minorities? Suggestions?

(Insert answers here below in full sentences, not in point form. Use references where required) Harvard Style


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