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Mental Health Determinants Essay

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Mental Health Determinants Essay


Assessment 1

Criticaly examine the impact of one determinant of health on the given scenario from your field of nursing practises


Word Limit:  1500 words (+/- 10%)

Written Assignment Outline

Consider the case study that has been given to you which is based on a patient/service user from your field of nursing practice.


Your assignment will focus on one determinant of health and will critically explore this determinant in terms of the individual, as well as the wider socio-political and economic context. Current evidence and policies in relation to the social determinant and its potential impact or relationship to the individual in the case study should be utilised to support this work.


Additional guidance

  • In examining and selecting one determinant of health you may consider any of the following: the individual, their biopsychosocial factors and any associated lifestyle factors, the broader community provision and social networks surrounding that individual; their living and working conditions and the wider socio-political, economic and cultural contexts.
  • The current context of health and healthcare provision in the United Kingdom and how this might impact on the individual should also be considered.
  • Critique evidence from a range of sources for example, NICE, the Department of Health, Public Health England, the King’s Fund, World Health Organisation and other peer reviewed sources and publications.
  • Demonstrate use of empirical research literature that informs your understanding and analysis of the context of this determinant of health
  • Overall the discussion should give a logical and coherent argument of the key issues and demonstrate an understanding of the factors that impact on health and illness.
  • Use appropriate language for academic writing, which is structured, measured and precise.
  • Demonstrate competence across the learning outcomes for the module.
  • Check that the cited references and bibliography are presented in a consistent and acceptable format that conforms to HSK referencing guidelines.
  • The assignment should be written in third person . Mental Health Determinants Essay

The way in which an assignment is organised may vary from one student to the next.  However, in all cases, the organisation should be logical.  It should begin with a clear identification of what is to be studied and how that will be achieved and should be ended with a summary or conclusion.

Presentation of the written assignment

Your work must be written in Times New Roman or Arial font size 12 and in double line spacing with wide margins.

Please refer to The HSK Referencing Guidelines 2020/21 to ensure correct referencing – there is a link on the module site

Please note that plagiarism and collusion guidelines must be considered. Please refer to this section in your student handbook and the academic skills website.  A portal will be created to check your assignment using Turnitin.

Serious Adverse Circumstances must be in adherence with the university policies and Procedures and must be discussed with your Programme Leader, Carl Clare.  Please notify the module lead if you are applying for a deferral on these grounds.

Written Assignment Checklist:

Did you….

  • Consider a determinant of health in relation to the patient/service user in the field specific case study?
  • Consider this in terms of local policy/best practice and specific evidence base alongside the wider socio-economic and political influences?
  • Use appropriate language for academic writing which is measured and precise?
  • Structure your work logically without repetition?
  • Evaluate your findings
  • Demonstrate competence across all learning outcomes for the module?




References and Bibliography

  • Are the references cited and bibliography presented in a consistent and acceptable form?
  • Are references cited relevant to the study?
  • Does the reference list and bibliography reflect?
  1. The issues identified.
  2. Search for and/or development of valid and reliable evidence?
  3. Search for and/or development of definitions of concepts?
  4. Formulation of the needs identified.
  5. Is the writing style organised, clear and objective?

Assignment planning:  the framework below may help you with planning your assignment.

Nursing Art and Science – Overview of Planned Essay

Identifying a determinant of Health

Framework Utilised/Rationale

Key determinants associated with the field specific case study

Selecting the determinant

Overview and detail of rationale and precise relationship to this case study

For the individual described give a summary of key evidence/policy/best practice recommendations that relate to this determinant of health in terms of their individual context
Summary of key evidence/policy/best practice that relates more broadly-to the wider socio-political, economic factors that might be having a wider impact on this individual.

Mental Health

Sam is a lonely 35-year-old unemployed Asian female with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. She lives in a temporary bedsit on the 4th floor of a council tower block in an inner-city area, awaiting to be rehoused by the council.

She hears voices of her late partner who died of prostate cancer 5 years ago, with whom she had a very good relationship for over 15 years. They have a 5-year-old daughter with special needs and Sam sometimes find it hard to meet their needs.

Sam sometimes ‘sees’ images of her late partner on the few occasions that she went out to walk her dog.   Due to the covid-19 pandemic she feels isolated and vulnerable – and now fearful of going out at all, because of the high incidence of covid-19 in her area of London.

She is currently on a high dose medication, and has been on different antipsychotics in the past, and her symptoms have never been fully managed. She is not on any other treatment.

She also suffers from constipation, dizziness, periodic tremors and hypersalivation caused by her medication. She tries hard to exercise but feels she has put on 12kg over the last 11months.

Sam wished she could become more engaged in society and would like to better her life and her daughter’s future.

She recently saw her GP who felt she is at risk of diabetes, which her mother also suffered from and died from diabetes-related complications a few years ago. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, her appointments with her GP and the Mental Health Service are now by telephone. She had limited contact with her family who are now unable to visit and her daughter’s schooling is also now only online.



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