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Memory Multistore Model Discussion

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The multi-store of memory model proposes that memory consists of three different stores. The first store is the sensory memory. This is the part of memory that absorbs the stimuli that is striking the senses. The sensory store has a very short duration but a very large capacity. After a stimulus is absorbed by the sensory store, if its useful to the person it can make its way into the short-term memory store. Short-term memory has a longer duration than the sensory store, though not by much, but has a smaller capacity. If the information gathered by the short-term memory is rehearsed, it can find its way into the long-term memory, where it is available for later retrieval. For example, a telephone rings. The ringing insights your sense of hearing. You look down and see the phone number on the phone. You might recognize the area code. Once you answer it you realize it is someone important. You may then look repeatedly at the number throughout the call. At a later date you receive a call from this same number, and you remember who it is. Another example is that when I was younger, my family and I went to Disney World. I do not remember everything that some of my family members remember. This could be due to the fact that I did not rehearse that information as they had. I rehearsed and recited the parts that were of interest to me, which happen to be different memories than my families. (Mcleod, 2021)

Level-of-Processing Model of Memory

            The level-of-processing model of memory proposes that there are two different levels of processing of information, which are shallow and deep. A shallow depth of processing would consist of structural processing, which is the physical attributes, or the phonemic attributes, which is the sound. For example, counting the syllables of the word “kitten” would be a shallow depth of processing. A deep depth of processing consists of semantic processing, which involves thinking of the word’s meaning and relating it. For example, seeing the word “kitten” and thinking of how you have a kitten would be a deep depth of processing. If given a list of words, with “kitten” being one of them, you would be more likely to remember the word “kitten” on that list if you related the word to yourself than if you counted the syllables. Deeper depths of processing leads to easier recall due to elaboration rehearsal, which is engaging in a more meaningful examination of information. To use the example I used in the last section regarding Disney World, the memories I do not recall could be due to that I did not process them at a deeper level like my family members. I might have focused more on the sounds and sights of a ride, instead of considering the experience itself and relating it to previous experiences in my mind. (Issitt, 2019)

Improving Long-term Memory

            In consideration of the multi-store model of memory, in order to improve your long-term memory, you should rehearse the information. If you want to convert information to be stored in your long-term memory, you should rehearse the information while it is in your short-term memory, so that it can be transferred into your long-term memory. For example, if you want to remember a phone number, you should read it over and over and over again to store it in your long-term memory. (Mcleod, 2021)

            In consideration of the level-of-processing model of memory, you should focus on using deep techniques to store information in your long-term memory. In order to convert information from short-term to long-term memory you need to think about it in semantic terms, such as how it relates to something similar in your existing knowledge. For example, if you want to remember a list of words, you might try to relate each word to an experience that you already have. (Issitt, 2019)


Issitt, M. (2019). Levels Of Processing. Salem Press Encyclopedia.

Mcleod, S. (2021). Multi-Store Model of Memory. SimplyPsychology.

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