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manufacturing; Quality, reliability and maintenance

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Assignment Brief:

This assignment consists in the development of an individual piece of work in which you will critically
discuss and evaluate some maintenance practices and their implications.
With this, you are to prepare a 2,500 (±10%) words report in which you will be presenting your results and
discussing a case study of your choice. In fact, you are to SELECT an industrial sector (e.g., oil and gas,
mining, manufacturing, aerospace,…) that you’d like to investigate and for which you’ll be investigating
maintenance practices. You should choose the industrial sector that is in line with your interests.
The written report must include the following sections:

Section 1 – Maintenance Management (max 1,000 words)

Explore the range of current maintenance philosophies (i.e., practices) employed by companies in
the current business environment today.
Include in your discussion a few descriptive examples of where and how these practices are used
by various industries including manufacture – at least one EXAMPLE for maintenance

Section 2 – Reliability Centered Maintenance (max 1,000 words)

In this section you are to explain and critically discuss the concept of Reliability Centered
Maintenance. In your discussion you should highlight the role of Reliability Centered Maintenance
in a company.
Again, include some examples of where and how the approach is used in various industries
including manufacture – at least TWO examples to be provided.
To conclude, you are to critically reflect and discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of
Reliability Centered Maintenance for the company

Section 3 – Implications of Maintenance (max 500 words)

In this section you are reflect on the implications that poor maintenance practices can have in
terms of quality. To complete this section, you are to do some preliminary research to understand
whether maintenance can have an impact on quality. Then, you have to answer the following

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