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Making Head Trauma Safer

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Making Head Trauma Safer

Topic:   “Making Head Trauma Safer? The Effectiveness of the NFL’s Injury Reduction Plan and Its Impact on Players, Fans, and the Game.”

Each person is required to review the literature on the assigned topic

(Using at least six (6) different academic peer-reviewed/scholarly journal articles)

write a 5-page paper that thoroughly examines that particular issue related to health care law.

required to have at least six (6) different academic peer-reviewed/scholarly original research articles as primary sources for this assignment.

You are free to incorporate other sources as well, but you must have a minimum of six (6) academic peer-reviewed research articles referenced and cited in your final paper.

Final Project Paper The final paper should have the following six (6) parts:

• Title Page – The Title Page should include the following:

Paper Title

Author Name

Course Name and Semester

Instructor Name

Due Date

• Introduction – The Introduction explains the purpose of the project and the reason why we should study this topic. Here, you should discuss the importance of this topic and the academic and practical rationale for examining the issue (Generally, why should we care about this?). This section lays the foundation for the rest of your paper and, therefore, should be carefully and thoughtfully organized with detailed, accurate information.


Overview – The Overview section provides detailed information on the pertinent causes, prevalence, scope, and consequences of the issue, as necessary. Basically, provide your reader with a thorough, sound background on your topic. Here, you should aim to answer questions that are similar but not limited to the following:

▪ How many people are affected by this issue worldwide and/or nationwide?

▪ What factors contribute to this problem?

▪ What short-term and long-term effects does this issue have on people impacted by it? Page 2 of 3

▪ What are the characteristics (demographic, socioeconomic, etc.) of people impacted by this issue? ▪ How long has this problem been a social concern?

Again, these are just examples of the types of information that should be included in this section.

I encourage you to simply make sure you are providing a thorough, well organized overview of your topic for your readers.

• Literature Discussion – The Literature Discussion section describes key research on the issue to date. Provide a thorough, comprehensive and organized summary of the research relevant to your topic connecting the research to the ideas central to your paper. Be careful not to “over-quote” or plagiarize in this section. Do your best to put what you’ve gathered from research literature into your own words. Your research should be organized and specific. Avoid presenting general descriptive information, which would cause your paper to read more like a book report than an academic research paper. If the question you are researching has several different aspects, organize your literature search and discussion in a way that is consistent with the nature of your topic. Avoid simply restating what each article you choose to reference has said. Group like ideas and concepts and discuss them in a way that supports your own thoughts with respect to the topic.

• Conclusion – The Conclusion section summarizes what you have gathered about your topic and explores the future of the issue moving forward. Include your own projections about what could and should happen in the future.

Do you anticipate this problem/issue growing or being resolved over time?

Will the issue change at all given the size and characteristics of the target/affected population?

Are there any resolutions in process now that you expect to be effective in this area in the future?

Offer informed suggestions to individuals, health care administrators, social workers, researchers, policy makers, and other key stakeholders involved in this issue.

• References – Finally, the References section includes a list of references cited in your paper. Prepare this list using the format suggested in the APA Publication Manual. Be sure that all sources cited within the body of your paper are listed appropriately in your “References” section. Also, be sure that all sources listed in your “References” are appropriately cited within the body of your paper. You are required to use a minimum of six (6) academic peer-reviewed/scholarly original research articles to complete this assignment. You are welcome to use other sources in addition to these minimum six (6) academic peer-reviewed/scholarly journal articles. Your paper should be typed in 12-point Arial font, double-spaced with 1″ margins, and include the appropriate section headings listed above. Your paper should be 5 pages in length [not including title page and references page(s)]. Be sure that your paper is proofed, organized, clear, polished, prompt, and complete, as points will be deducted for spelling/punctuation/grammar/sentence structure/reference/citation/formatting issues.

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