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Macroeconomics of Open Economies Assignment

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Description / Requirements

Answer all three questions.

Please note that this is an essay assignment. Please follow the rubric for the essay structure.  Each of these 3 questions needs to be like an essay and each question must have an intro/body/conclusion respectively.

Your answer must be supported by actual data for the relevant variables (Note that you have to figure out what those relevant variables are).


Question 1: (Word limit 800).

Please discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the Australian economy and give suggestions to the Treasury and RBA regarding the fiscal and monetary policies and analyze how these policies could help Australia stimulate the economy in the short and long run. [5 marks]

Question 2: (Word limit 800).

The US Federal Reserve injected more than $1.5 trillion into the markets in 2020. Please discuss how the US money supply affects the Australian economy, the output, employment, and the AU$/US$ in the short and long run. [5 marks]

Question 3: (Word limit 900).

In 2011, Japan was hit by a powerful earthquake. Using the tools that you have learned from this course, describe how the Japanese yen moves (depreciation or appreciation against Australian dollar) and why; and what Japanese central bank can do to handle this crisis and how it will affect Japanese money market and foreign exchange market; how the Japanese policy may affect Australian economy. [10 marks]


When submitting online, you must check that you have submitted work correctly by following the instructions provided in DSO.

The following marking penalties will apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date without an approved extension: 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day up to five days, and work that is submitted more than five days after the due date will not be marked.

 The late penalty is therefore calculated as follows:

1 day late. Submitted after [Time, date but before Time, Date].  Penalty 5/100 (0.01 to 23.59 hours after due time and date, shown in hours on Cloud Deakin Drop Box)

2 days late. Submitted [Time, date but before Time, Date].  Penalty 10/100 (24-47.59 hours after due time and date, shown as 1 day on Cloud Deakin Drop Box)

3 days late. Submitted after [Time, date but before Time, Date].  Penalty 15/100 (48-71.59 hours after due time and date, shown as 2 days on Cloud Deakin Drop Box)

4 days late. Submitted after [Time, date but before Time, Date].  Penalty 20/100 (shown as 3 days on Cloud Deakin Drop Box)

5 days late. Submitted after [Time, date but before Time, Date].  Penalty 25/100.  (shown as 4 days on cloud Deakin Drop Box)

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