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Macroeconomic Industry Analysis Report

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Task description

Select one of the following industries

• Australian Banking Industry;

• Australian Domestic Airline Industry;

• Australian Coal Industry;

• Australian Education Sector: International Education;

• Australian Iron Ore Manufacturing Industry;

• Australian Not-For-Profit Sector;

• Australian Tourism Industry; or

• Another industry of your choice (if you select this option, before commencing this

assignment, discuss your alternative industry choice with the unit facilitator).

You are required to investigate the industry to some depth, using your understanding of

business economics, and to:

a. Estimate the industry’s contribution to Australia’s annual GDP. What proportion

of GDP does this represent? Explain.

b. Describe and analyse the industry’s relationship with Governments.

c. Select three (3) of the following six (6) scenarios. Using macroeconomic

theories, determine and describe what you predict may happen in your selected

industry if:

i. Australia’s rate of unemployment increases to 10%;

ii. Australia’s inflation rate increases to 6%;

iii. The Australian Government decreases the corporate taxation rate to 20%;

iv. The Reserve Bank of Australia increases the cash rate to 5%;

v. The value of the Australian Dollar (AUD) decreases by 10% against other

key currencies;

vi. China reduces imports by 10%;

Provide brief explanations for each of your three predictions

d. Write a conclusion which includes the insights which you have gained from this

assessment task.

GSB013 Economics for Managers: Unit Guide 21

Assessment Submission Requirements:

1. Your assessment is to be written as a business report.

2. Include a minimum of 3 suitable academic journal articles in your assignment. You

can search the AIM Library database, or use some of the ones provided in the

Additional resources section under each topic in my ABS. You also will need to also

have to research other online industry related articles to support your research.

3. Your report must be 2,500 words (+/- 10%). Note: the title page, contents page,

executive summary, tables, reference list and appendices are not included in the

word count.

4. Appendices and tables may be used to clarify and support your arguments but

should not be used to circumvent the word count limit. Use appendices, please use

these sparingly.

Submit to the Assessment section of myABS as one document.

5. Submit only a word document (i.e. .doc or .docx). The assignment should be

presented on A4 paper with margins of 2.5cm on all sides. Your report should be 1.5

line spaced and use Arial 12-point font.

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