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Leadership in Healthcare Environment

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  • My introduction will include mentioning my name, welcoming and officially informing the team members that I’ve been given an opportunity to serve as their leader. I will also disclose my profession to them and the years of experience that I have. The introduction will as include appreciating for the position. The aim of my introduction would be to attract their attention so that they listen to me.
  • The paper also focuses on bringing attention to importance of cooperation in the team and the power of togetherness. Every team that embraces togetherness is successful in terms of achieving its goals, objectives and targets. Therefore, working as a group and team is important. I will also motivate the team to work towards achievement of its goals. 
  • Therefore I expect all of us to work together for the common good of every team member as well as entire organization. We have to bring back the lost glory of the team and I believe with no doubt that if we work as agreed, we shall achieve beyond our expectations. Thank you very much, may God bless each one of us.
  • I have experience as a leader in health care environment. Leadership in health care sector extends from managerial responsibilities, clinical job up to forming unique challenges (Ayeleke et al. 2017). My experience is that healthcare environment happens to be so dynamic and complicated.  
  • Health care environment-related problems are divided into two major categories which are internal and external. Internal problems include influence from some stakeholder groups which have a significant interest in this sector. For example, social, political and other pressure groups. The issue of increased quest for openness and accountability also fall in this category.
  • External challenges encompass the following: international health policies on health care, unstable demographic changes, government policies and regulations, prevailing economic factors as well as sophisticated health care technologies adopted. For such reasons, health care environment is ever dynamic with new reforms being introduced most of the times to meet the new upcoming demands. Frequent reforms are necessary to ensure health care provided to patients meets the currently required quality standards.
  • Therefore as a leader, I’m obliged to shape organizational culture and ensure current reforms in health care sector are implemented optimally (Ayeleke et al. 2017).  . However, the leader alone cannot achieve anything if teamwork does not exist in the organization, particularly among staff members.

Leadership Style.

  • Leadership style guides the way in which a leader exerts influence on those who look up to him. There are several leadership styles for healthcare environment however, my choice is transactional leadership.
  • Transactional leadership style focuses on fundamental essence of organization, supervision and team performance. The style terms the relationship between staff and leaders as being transactional. It emphasizes the aspect of respect where staff members obey and execute orders suggested by the leader (AHU, 2020). On the other hand, a leader pays off salaries to staff members.    
  • For this kind of style, punishments and rewards are viewed as key motivational factors which can be used by executives in promoting and securing compliance to their orders and demands. It is a style used in many sectors as well as organizations. Rewards may be in form of prizes and recognition while punishments may lead an errant staff member to face reprimand.
  • In transactional leadership, emphasis is on the need to follow and act as per those clearly stipulated rules, procedures, standards and values within the organization. It is also puts much focus on importance of close staff supervision since it becomes easy to monitor progress and performance. In this style, different roles are outlined and allocated to each member of the team. 
  • I believe that this leadership style is the best for my new role as a leader due several reasons. It ensures expected tasks are done by staff to the best of their abilities after being given clear instructions. I would apply transactional style in supervision of staff to ensure assignments assigned are completed at the right time.
  • With this kind of style in place, much output would be realized as every staff member follows orders, commands and instructions issued by the leader optimally. Laziness and mediocrity is not encouraged in this leadership style due to possibility of punishment by acting contrary to the leader’s directives (AHU, 2020). The style is suitable for achieving specific goals and in addressing straightforward issues.
  • Nonetheless, just like any other style, transactional leadership it is not without its challenges and disadvantages. It discourages creativity because an individual cannot introduce something new since roles and guidelines are pre-established. It doesn’t also provide a conducive environment for problem-solving by basing on orders and commands.

Four Elements of Emotional Intelligence  

  • The four elements of emotional intelligence means ability to view process and regulate emotional information properly, individually and in others. Its elements are self-management, social awareness, relationship management and self-awareness. Each of these elements need to be integrated into the team. I will integrate the four elements of intelligence into the team through the following:
  • Decision making. I will integrate emotional intelligence into the group by how I make decisions. The kind of emotions that I experience and feel has a big impact on the decisions I make about the team progress and performance. Having strong emotional intelligence will enable me make informed decisions that are free from emotional biasness hence realization of positive outcomes in the team.
  • Achievement of team’s goals and objectives depend highly on emotional intelligence skills. Therefore, integrating these skills is important in achieving health care goals and objectives. This is because, the four elements of emotional intelligence drives positive change and progress in the organization (Mgnano, Craparo &Paolilo, 2016). Achievement of goals requires that we reach a consensus through communication for a common action. It therefore helps us communicate properly without confrontation from any member.
  • I will integrate emotional intelligence through motivation. Studies suggest that motivation is a key psychological process that stimulates individual into action for desired results. Therefore, motivation in the team stimulates members into performing their duties for realization of better group and organizational outcomes. It gives individuals energy to perform better. Emotional intelligence induces motivation and motivation leads to success.
  •  Management of the team. Integrating emotional intelligence in management responsibilities improves the personal and collaborative capabilities for better performance in organization. It also enables the leader to understand what motivates individuals towards better performance so that I can provide it in some circumstances to secure motivation.
  • Understating and recognizing how an individual’s emotions can impact performance of other members in the team is important. As well, identifying behavioral and emotional factors of peoples’ psychological buildup helps target change (Mgnano et al. 2016). I will also be able to realize what motivates and bring fulfillment to members of the team. I will use the elements to find out which member is able to manage negative emotions and adopt positive change which is a step towards realizing individual’s potential hence, I will know how to deal with each individual.

My future Vision for the Team

  • My future vision for the team is based on improvements that I would like to see initiated and applied. My plan is to see a vibrant, strong, and united as well as goal oriented team that is ready improve health care environment for betterment of every members and the entire organization.
  • I would want to have a team that is well responsive to the challenges facing health care environment by ensuring it works towards quality achievement in terms of improving and promoting patient safety and overall health care provision. This would only be necessary if team members work together. Therefore, togetherness and team spirit is still a point to emphasize.
  • My plan is to have a team that makes decisions affecting the entire organization without any form of biasness or favoritism. Where fairness, equality and equity are upheld for improvement of health care environment. A team that unanimously agree on the best options among many options is my wish.
  • I would also like to see a team that is transparent, accountable and respectful to the values governing the organization. Since contemporary world is so much observant of transparency in organizations, then daily business of the team should exhibit high levels of openness. Minimum supervision for the completion of assignments is expected from the team.
  • Securing a team which is most adaptable to change is my vision for it. Change is inevitable in every organization, sector and every other endeavors of life. A team that adapts to change more easily is well able to achieve more in terms of targets. Now considering that health care environment is subject to dynamics, a lot of changes in reforms are so frequent and practices are expected. So, my wish is to have a team that is not rigid to changes but rather flexible.
  • My vision is also to have a team that will be optimally utilizing emotional intelligence for common good of the team. Emotional intelligence if properly used, it secures motivation which drives members of a team towards action for better performance. A team that utilizes strong emotional intelligence promotes understanding within it by avoiding confrontations.  


Advent Health University (2020). Five Types of Leadership Styles in Health Care.

Ayeleke, R.O., Dunham, A., North, N., & Wallis, K. (2017). The Concept of Leadership in the Health Care Sector.

Magnano, P., Craparo, G., & Paolilo, A. (2016). Resilience and emotional intelligence: which role in achievement motivation. RESEARCH ARTICLE.

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