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Lead and Facilitate a Team Assignment

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Skills Assessment 1: Team Performance Plan  

Prepare your IT team performance plan which aligns with the Strategic and Operation Plans for Superfast IT

Task 1: Planning

Team details

Team Name: 
Time period for team plan 
Overall team objectives List 3 key objectives for the team you have selected. . 
Overall team responsibilities List 3 key responsibilities for the team you have selected.   
Overall team outcomes required Establish and List 3 key outcomes for your team. 

Task 2: Team members

Complete the following for a minimum of 2 team members:

Team Member 1 Name: 
Individual outcomes required List 3 key outcomes for the individual you have selected. This will be based on the individual’s job role. You may research a suitable position description for this role and then describe key outcomes would be relevant to the role.   
Individual goals List 3 goals this individual would have in relation to their role. These can be general goals based on a person’s role at work or specific to the position you have researched. 
Individual behaviour requirements List 3 behaviour requirements for this individual.  These can be general behaviours based on a person’s role at work or specific to the position you have researched. Remember to review the Staff Code of Conduct too. 
Individual tasks List at least 3 tasks that this individual will be responsible for completing as part of their role.Explain why you allocated these tasks to the team member. This should be based on their job role and expertise or development potential. 
Team Member 2 Name: 
Individual outcomes required List 3 key outcomes for the individual you have selected. This will be based on the individual’s job role. You may research a suitable position description for this role and then describe key outcomes would be relevant to the role. 
Individual goals List 3 goals this individual would have in relation to their role. These can be general goals based on a person’s role at work or specific to the position you have researched. 
Individual behaviour requirements List 3 behaviour requirements for this individual.  These can be general behaviours based on a person’s role at work or specific to the position you have researched. Remember to review the Staff Code of Conduct too. 
Individual tasks List at least 3 tasks that this individual will be responsible for completing as part of their role.Explain why you allocated these tasks to the team member. This should be based on their job role and expertise or development potential.   

Task 3: Strategies, contingencies and Opportunities for cross collaboration

List and describe 2 Strategies to ensure team members are accountable for their roles and responsibilities   
Describe 2 Contingency plans that can be used to ensure the team performance plan can be carried out as required.   
Opportunities for cross collaboration amongst external and internal teams and individuals Explain the following two (2) points Identify at least one internal and one external team that your team could collaborate with. Explain why this might be beneficial. Explain how individuals within the team could collaborate. 

Task 4: Communicate the plan with team members (Email)

Write your email based on the task description. You must use the email template provided as a separate attachment.

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