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Law Enforcement Report Analysis

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Analysis report

QUESTION: Amend section 148 of the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 (NSW) to remove police powers pertaining to using (drug) dogs to carry out general drug detection at music festivals & other public places where entertainment is held.

Word count: 1250 words

Referencing: Harvard style

  • A report format is encouraged.
  • Students can use headings and subheadings.
  • Students should consider using charts/tables and other visual aids to present information (eg, statistics).
  • Should have a strong introduction, contents and conclusion.

Your report should include:

  1. A concise introduction outlining the purpose of the report & whether the stakeholder agrees/disagrees with the amendment
  2. A detailed background of the legislation and why it is being reviewed for amendment
  3. Evaluation of three impacts (or consequences) on the criminal justice system
  4. Conclusion that reinforces the stakeholder’s position on the amendment
  5. Use at least five (5) peer-reviewed sources to support your report (reports, legislation, newspaper articles are not included in these five sources).


  • Confirm a relevant stakeholder within criminal justice as your agency.
  • IMPORTANT- Research and obtain at a minimum five (5) peer-reviewed sources to support your briefing paper (cannot be legislation, newspapers articles or reports).
  • Write within the word limit of 1250 words
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