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Issues Facing Business And Society Today

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The purpose of this assignment is to build an understanding of various issues facing business and society today. This assignment will require heavy research. Through this research you will:

  • Learn the background history of the chosen topic
  • Discover why this topic is controversial
  • Explain both sides of the controversy
  • Develop an opinion


Individual Research Project: Controversial Issues in Business and Society

Choose a Controversial Business Issue/Topic. Here are some example topics, but feel free to create your own topic. Note: Topic must be business-related and controversial.

  • Multi-level marketing is a legitimate business model.
  • We need a minimum wage so that companies do not take advantage of their employees
  • Human Resources should not be allowed to ask questions about an applicant’s marital status, religion, age, medical history, or immigration status.
  • Companies should not look at prospective employees’ social media profiles.
  • Casual dress codes are beneficial for the company.
  • Companies should have strict policies against dating at work.
  • Open floor plans are better than cubicle farms.
  • Happy employees do a better job.
  • It is okay for bars, restaurants, casinos, and other businesses in the service sector to only hire attractive employees.
  • Social media sites should be blocked at work.
  • The minimum wage should be raised.
  • Employees that work from home are more productive.
  • Companies should be allowed to drug test their employees.
  • Non-financial incentives are better motivators than financial incentives.
  • Corporations should not be allowed to make large campaign contributions to political candidates.
  • Men should be given more time off for paternity leave.
  • We need laws to regulate the unpredictability of part-time schedules.
  • Companies should be forced to provide health care to full-time employees.
  • Companies should be forced to provide health care to part-time employees.
  • We need laws to ensure that women receive salaries comparable to their male counterparts.
  • There should be gender quotas for women on boards of directors.

This assignment has two parts: Final Research Paper and Presentation

Along with the paper, you will create a brief video presentation with PowerPoint slides to go along with the research paper.

Instructions: The Final Paper

The Final Paper should be written in full sentence, paragraph form and include the following information:

  1. APA Citations: Full APA cover page, an abstract, in-text citations, and a final reference list.
  2. Section Headings: You must include these section headings A – E:
    1. Research Question
      1. Create a question regarding the selected topic that will be answered throughout the duration of the project.
      1. The question is designed to give a clear focus to the content of the project. Be careful not to develop a question that is too vague or too specific. A vague question can cause confusion, while a specific question can create limitations.
      1. Example: If the chosen topic is Women should get one year paid maternity leave; the question could be: Should women be given one year paid maternity leave?
    1. Overview of Controversy
      1. An overview of why this topic is considered controversial. Do not include your opinion about your topic.
      1. Example: What makes paid maternity leave controversial?
        1. We have FMLA, why do we need anything else?
        1. Maternity leave is a huge burden to a woman’s employer. Why should the company pay extended absences for workers who are not contributing?
        1. Becoming a mother is a choice, so why should others have to pay for your choice?
        1. But it is unfair to men who have children, or other women in the workplace who choose not to have kids.
        1. Fine, take paid maternity leave, but just know that it is going to increase the wage gap.
        1. Why can’t you leave this to individual companies or states to work out? Why does it have to be mandated?
    1. Arguments For & Arguments Against
      1. A full explanation of the two sides of the controversy. Various outside sources are required. The two arguments may include popular opinion, but also must be based in stated FACTS.
        1. What are the two sides of the argument?
        1. Why do people think what they think?
        1. What facts can be given to support each argument?
      1. Example: If my topic were “Women should get one year paid maternity leave”; I would discuss pros and cons of both sides.
    1. In the News
      1. An explanation on the status of the issue today.
      1. Example: Here you can research current news about your topic. Is there any new legislation? Are there business trends emerging?
    1. My Opinion
      1. A final summary of your personal position on the issue.
      1. Think for yourself. What side of the argument do you personally agree with? Why do you agree with one side (stating facts and opinion) and why do you disagree with the other side (stating facts and opinion)?
    1. Submit Final Research Paper: Submit your Final Research Paper into the Module 5 Assignment 2 Final Research paper folder by the due date listed in the Course Schedule, for grading.

Instructions for the Presentation

  1. Create a video presentation with a supporting PowerPoint slide deck related to your research paper. You can use Zoom, Screencast-o-matic or your preferred software program.
    1. You can choose your own slide theme (keep it professional and relevant to your topic).
    1. You will first post your presentation PowerPoint slides in the discussion area for peer review.
  2. Follow the Slide presentation outline below:
    1. Slide 1: Cover Slide
    1. Research Paper Title/Question
    1. Your Name
    1. Slide 2: Why Controversial?
    1. Slide 3 & 4: Differing Sides
    1. One slide for arguments “for”
    1. One slide for arguments “against”
    1. Slide 5: Current Events
    1. New legislation
    1. Business trends
    1. In the news?
    1. Slide 6: Your Opinion
    1. On which side do you agree?
    1. Why do you have this opinion?
    1. Slide 7: List of Presentation References
  3. Other assignment notes:
    1. Please feel free to include more slides; this is just a minimum guideline.
    1. You should also include at least two visual aids/graphics in your presentation.
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