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Inverted Pyramid Organizational Structure

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In groups of 4, please submit a research paper in APA format and create a presentation to answer the following questions:

Research a company who has successfully implemented the inverted pyramid organizational structure.

  1. Explain the company’s approach to employees in the company
    1. How does the inverted pyramid enable the company to motivate and empower employees?
    1. What benefits does the inverted pyramid offer employees?  
  2. Explain the hierarchy model in the company
    1. What type of organization chart does the company use?
    1. What is the hierarchy model in the company?
    1. How does the inverted pyramid help the company communicate expectations and monitor productivity?
  3. Explain the role of the leaders in the company
    1. What does the inverted pyramid allow leaders to focus on the most?
    1. How are decisions made in the company? Quicker/Slower
    1. What benefits does the inverted pyramid offer the company leaders?  
  4. Explain the company’s approach to customers
    1. How does the inverted pyramid allow the company to better prioritize and respond to customer needs, wants and demands?
    1. What advantages does the inverted pyramid offer to customers?

Please make sure to follow all APA format expectations (7 Marks)

The overall research paper should be 7 pages long (minimum) following APA format.

  • Title Page
  • Abstract
  • 4 pages (min) for the report
  • References Page

Please schedule time with the Learning Resource Centre for help with APA and written English

Each group member will be expected to present their part of the research paper

  • Your presentation should be 5 minutes in length for each presenter so please focus on the most relevant points we have learned in class. (Marks will be deducted for presentations over 5 minutes)
  • Each presenter should have 5 power point slides
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