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Internationalisation Strategy For a British Business

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The Programme

The objective of your course work is to formulate an internationalisation strategy for a British business. To do so, you will undertake an internationalisation programme.

Minerva Global is the selected company, here is the website of this company:

Destination search and market selection

You need to take South Korea, Singapore and Russia where the company is not currently present to start the primary selection process. You will finally select the most suitable country form the initial selection based on the company’s current position and market attractiveness (The final choice is Russia). Conduct the following tasks to identify the most attractive international destination for your chosen company. UN COMTRADE, CIA.GOV and World Bank Data bank will be good source of data. The institution-based view ((Peng et al., 2009) should provide the theoretical underpinning for this project.

Institutional quality analysis (economic openness, financial connected and integrity, corporate tax, immigration policy, repatriation need to be analysed)

  • Market accessibility (Ease of doing business)
  • Target segment identification and sales potential analysis
  • Analysis of the competition from domestic and other MNCs
  • Selection of the market with highest potential and best accessibility
  • Application of Porter’s National Diamond framework to assess patterns of comparative advantage among possible destinations


Barney, J.B., 2001. Resource-based theories of competitive advantage: A ten-year retrospective on the resource-based view. Journal of management27(6), pp.643-650.

Peng, M.W., Sun, S.L., Pinkham, B. and Chen, H., 2009. The institution-based view as a third leg for a strategy tripod. Academy of Management Perspectives23(3), pp.63-81.

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