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International Trade and Enterprise Assignment

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Students are expected to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a chosen
topic by applying international trade theories and concepts learnt during Week 1 to Week

  1. The in-depth analysis of the chosen topic, should be supported by data/statistics,
    figures, tables and relevant literature.
    In this assignment, students are required to do better than recycle the lecture materials. Students
    are to research the chosen topic in more depth providing evidence of independent research.
    Detailed requirements of the assignment
    You are a group of advisors working in the Department of Trade and Foreign Affairs in
    Australia.As advisors you are required to write a report covering the following topics,
    based on the past 5 years, in which you compare two countries. Each group must choose
    two countries (not including Australia). This report should provide useful information for
    the Department of Trade and Foreign Affairs for appropriate strategic decision making for
    Australia and multinational enterprises in the country. The report should use a variety of
    resources, including the textbook, newspapers, industry reports, the ABS website, and
    other sources.
    Research Topics
  2. Comparative advantage
    ⎯ Choose any two countries chosen from the list of countries listed in
    Annex 1. For each country, identify an industry or industries in which
    the chosen countries have comparativeadvantage. You must use
    relevant data/statistics to support your analysis used in the
    ⎯ Explain the reasons/sources of the comparative advantage in each of the chosen
    ⎯ Suggest ways to improve the comparative advantage in each country
    ⎯ Reasons for the flow of trade and investment, the factors
    affecting the industry orindustries and how Australia can
    benefit from these countries
  3. Terms of Trade
    ⎯ Choose any two countries from the list of countries listed in Annex
  4. For each country analyse its terms-of-trade trend over the last 10
    years using relevant facts/figures
    ⎯ Identify and analyse factors affecting the trend in the terms-of-trade for
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    each of the chosencountries
    ⎯ Analyse how the terms-of-trade affect welfare in the chosen countries
    ⎯ Advise the Minister on any benefits from these countries to Australia
  5. Export Subsidies in Agriculture, Wind/Solar energy industry
    ⎯ Choose either an agriculture or a wind/solar energy industry from
    any country listed inAnnex 1 that currently provides export subsidies
    to the industries. Discuss positive andnegative aspects of the export
    subsidies on the country’s economy.
    ⎯ Evaluate the effects of the export subsidies on the country’s
    welfare using relevantsupporting data/statistics and literature
    ⎯ Examine the effects of effects of the subsidies on Australia (Only
    applies if the countrychosen is not Australia. However, if the
    country is Australia explain the effects of the subsidies to other
  6. Pattern of Trade
    ⎯ Choose any two countries from the listed countries in Annex 1. For each
    country, describe itspattern of trade over the last 30 years using relevant
    ⎯ Identify and analyse factors responsible for a changing trade pattern in the chosen
    ⎯ In your opinion, discuss if your findings conform with what the trade theories predict
    ⎯ Examine the effects of the pattern of trade on Australia
    To be eligible to pass this unit, you must complete all forms of assessment and
    demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes. All assignments must be
    submitted electronically ONLY usinga word processor, uploaded to Blackboard via
    the Final Check and Submission of SafeAssign.
    Submission deadlines are strictly enforced and a late submission incurs penalties of
    5 (five) % of the assessment value per calendar day unless an extension and/or
    special consideration has been grantedby the lecturer prior to the assessment
    deadline. Unless an extension and/or special consideration has been granted, no
    assessments are accepted after 14 calendar days of the due date, or the end of the
    File Exchange tool:
    All the academic papers that are used in the assignment need to be posted on BB by
    using File Exchangetool (Instruction in page 5, for further questions and advice, refer
    to your lecturer). Student needs to highlight the discussion in the academic paper
    which is relevant to the discussion in the assignment. Academic papers can be found
    in ProQuest (ProQuest instruction can be found in page 5 and 6. Assignment will be
    marked ZERO if does not include references list
    Group Assessment Plan
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    How to do group assignment – Instruction
    • A Group can choose a communication and collaboration tool(s) of your
    choice. Allcommunication and collaboration tools are already enabled and
    accessible for any group.

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