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Informative Speech outline assignment

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Develop a speech to inform your audience based on one of the following categories: 

· Report (inform) on a famous person (a past or present person).

· Report (inform) on famous organization.

· Provide information on a famous event (be specific).

In preparing your speech, select an appropriate introduction and conclusion. 

Your speech should demonstrate clear organization. 

The organizational format should be designed to increase audience interest and retention of the message. 

The speaker must select and incorporate a visual aid that visually enhances and supports their presentation (25 points). 

Pay careful attention to see that the topic is adapted to the audience and the occasion. The topic should be well researched as evidenced by strong supporting materials.

Remember to choose a topic that you can present in 4 to 6 minutes

Informative Speech Guidelines:

Submit a word processed outline (Rich Text Format (.rtf) or a current version of Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx)) with a bibliography or reference section (See specific details listed below)

Time limit – 4 to 6 minutes.

You may only use 1 – 3X5 index card to assist you during the presentation

Incorporate a visual aid(s) into your presentation* (EXCEPTION – PLEASE DO NOT INCORPORATE VIDEO CLIPS (e.g., YouTube) INTO YOUR PRESENTATIONS)

Be ready to speak – no late speeches

This project is worth 150 points. (See the attached detailed evaluation form I will use to grade your speech)

Speech evaluation = 100 points

Typed final outline = 25 points

Visual Aid = 25 points

* You may use Microsoft PowerPoint for extra credit. (See specific details listed below)

PowerPoint for Extra Credit: (20 points)

Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to support your speech. 

Clearly identify your speech title and your name. 

Your slides may include text, photos, graphs, or tables, etc., for support. 

Incorporate/use your PowerPoint presentation in your speech.

Submit your PowerPoint presentation to the ASSIGNMENTS FOLDER by June 26, 2021. 

To receive extra credit you must incorporate PowerPoint presentation in your speech and upload your PowerPoint file to ecampus.

PowerPoint presentations must be submitted in the following formats: Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt) or (.pptx).

Speech outline – Your outline should contain the following information:

A clearly identified speech title and your name.

An introduction (Use complete sentences) 

A body – 2 to 3 main points (include relevant definitions, examples and other forms of support) (Use complete sentences) 

A conclusion (Use complete sentences) 

Use a minimum of three (3) different types of complete references or citations for the bibliography or reference section using either an APA or MLA format. (See Purdue University online writing lab)

For additional help with topic research and library resources (See Research guides and help).

All text should be 12 point font and written using a standard font.

Margins should be one inch on all sides. 

Submit to the ASSIGNMENTS FOLDER by June 26, 2021. (Outlines must be in one of the following formats: Rich Text Format (.rtf) or a current version of Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx).

Your outline will be graded according to the following standards:

Outline divided into the three major parts – introduction, body, and conclusion. 

Introduction includes: General purpose, specific purpose, thesis statement, preview statement, attention-getter.  

Main points are corroborated by adequate, relevant and interesting support materials. 

Conclusion includes: A summary of main points and closing remarks. 

Transitions are used between the major parts of the speech. 

Outline indicates a logical thought pattern. 

Bibliography contains at least three (3) different types of acceptable sources (Don’t use Wikipedia as a reference). 

Use complete references or citations for the bibliography or reference section using either an APA or MLA format (See Purdue University online writing lab).

Spelling, grammatical, capitalization, and punctuation errors/typos.

Submitting Speech Presentations:

Record and upload your speech to YouTube (YouTube) and send me the file link so I can find and view your speech (Submit to the ASSIGNMENTS folder).

Submit your YouTube file link to the ASSIGNMENTS FOLDER by June 26, 2021.

Make sure that you have access to the proper recording and/or computer equipment. 

An audience of at least 3 adults (18 years or older) must be present for each speech, so plan ahead. Audience members can consist of family members, neighbors, friends, classmates or co-workers, you decide. 

A speaker must visible in the recording to receive any class points, a grade of 0 will be recorded for all parts (speech, outline, & visual aid) of this speaking activity. 

An audience of at least three (3) adults must be present throughout the presentation.

Your recordings must show both the speaker and an audience of at least 3 adults periodically during the speech (Failure to meet this requirement will result in a 35% grade reduction for that presentation). 

The visual aid you have selected must appear in the recording and be incorporated into the speech, if I don’t see your visual aid in the recording; you will not receive credit (25 points). 

To receive extra credit, your PowerPoint presentation must be incorporated into your speech.. If you are using PowerPoint submit to the ASSIGNMENTS FOLDER.

Remember if I cannot view your presentation, I cannot grade your presentation and you will receive a “0”. 

Speeches are timed and research is required. 

You will also need to include your presentation outlines when you submit your speeches. Submit your speech outlines to the ASSIGNMENTS FOLDER. If you are using PowerPoint submit to the ASSIGNMENTS FOLDER. 

To find out more information concerning YouTube go to YouTube support.

You will also need to include your required presentation outlines and visual aids when you submit your speeches. 

Submit your speech outlines to the ASSIGNMENTS FOLDER by June 26, 2021. 

If you are using PowerPoint submit to the ASSIGNMENTS FOLDER by June 26, 2021.

Important Activity Information:

Important: The informative and persuasive speeches are required for this course.

Important: “Failure to present either the informative or persuasive speech will result in a reduction of one letter grade from your final overall course grade.”

Important: A speech must presented to receive any class points. Partial points or credit will not be given if a speech is not presented, a grade of 0 will be recorded for all parts (speech, outline & visual aid) of an incomplete speech.

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