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Information For Online Practicum Report

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This assessment relates directly to the course learning outcome 1, 2, 3 4, 5 and 6 as stated in the EXS1EFH Subject Learning
Students will submit an individual 2000-word Online Practicum Report based on practical work undertaken in the subject
throughout Semester 1. They will perform an initial health and fitness assessment on themselves and from these results identify some short-term exercise training and health-related goals. Students will then plan (for themselves) and participate in a 6-week program of exercise (on themselves) designed to address these goals. At the end of the program students will reassess selected health and fitness parameters and reflect upon the exercise program, evaluating its success and describing any physiological adaptations that may have occurred.
The report will cover areas, such as:

  • An introduction discussing the relationships between sedentary behaviours, physical activity and lifestyle-related diseases and the benefits of exercise in the prevention and treatment of chronic metabolic conditions.
  • Initial health screening, risk stratification, fitness assessment and goal setting.
  • 6-week exercise programme development and justification.
  • Re-assessment and reflection, evaluating the 6-week exercise program in terms of achieving the initial short-term training goals and describing any physiological adaptations that may have occurred.
    Students will also be assessed on their ability to include citations of relevant literature and reference key resources; as well as their ability to use vocabulary and language that suits the writing task and has meaning to the intended audience. Consequently, They should read the marking guidelines carefully prior to the development of the written report.
    The report will be submitted electronically during Week 13 of Semester 1 (04.06.21) by 17.00.
    The practicum report will be 2000-words in length, excluding the appendices, and will be assessed on the following content:
  1. Introduction (10 Marks):
    ▪ Students discuss the relationships between sedentary behaviours, physical activity, and lifestyle-related diseases.
    ▪ Describe the benefits of exercise in the prevention and treatment of chronic metabolic conditions.
  2. Health Screening, Risk Stratification, and Initial Fitness Assessment (10 Marks):
    ▪ ESSA pre-exercise screening questionnaire is completed with a summary of the information to include risk stratification.
    ▪ Suitable health and fitness assessments are undertaken by the student and correctly analysed.
    ▪ Results are reported appropriately, and students identify realistic short-term health and fitness goals.
  3. Exercise Program Development and Justification (40 Marks):
    ▪ An appropriate 6-week exercise programme is designed and prescribed by the student (appendices to include the full 6-week training program).
    ▪ For all documented training sessions, student describes warm-up; conditioning exercises; cool-down and stretching phases.
    ▪ Student employs a variety of forms of training methods to address the identified short-term health and fitness goals; with appropriate exercises prescribed.
    ▪ Student identifies any medical issues and discusses the impact on exercise prescription.
    ▪ 6-week exercise program is fully prescribed using F.I.T.T principles and justified by the student with reference to relevant academic literature.
    ▪ Student monitors the 6-week exercise program effectively, with a discussion on how the relevant principles of training have been applied.
  4. Exercise Program Re-assessment and Reflection (40 Marks):
    ▪ Suitable health and fitness re-assessments are undertaken and correctly analyzed by the student.
    ▪ Student evaluates the 6-week exercise program in terms of achieving the short-term health and fitness goals and discusses any limitations.
    ▪ Students describes any physiological adaptations that may have occurred that resulted in a change in health and/or fitness.
  5. Research and Referencing (10 Marks):
    ▪ Student demonstrates an interpretation and application of relevant literature to support discussion, with an extensive reference list.
    ▪ Student applies the APA style for citations and reference list.
  6. Language and Presentation (10 Marks):
    ▪ Students structure sentences to present a flow of ideas, with few errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation.
    ▪ Students correctly formatted the assignment as per the requirements.
    The online practicum report should include the following sections:
    ▪ Introduction: Discuss the relationships between sedentary behaviours, physical activity and lifestyle-related diseases and describe the benefits of exercise in the prevention and treatment of chronic metabolic conditions.
    ▪ Health Screening, Risk Stratification, and Initial Fitness Assessment: A summary of the tests used to health screen, risk stratify and assess the initial fintess prior to prescribing exercise, with a summary of the main findings and a discussion on short-term health and fitness goals.
    ▪ Exercise Programme Development and Justification: An appropriate 6-week exercise program is to be presented with a discussion on the use of the F.I.T.T. principles of exercise prescription. Program design needs to be supported with reference to relevant academic literature. Discussion on how the 6-week exercise program is monitored effectively, and on how the relevant principles of training have been applied.
    ▪ Exercise Programme Re-Assessment and Reflection: A summary of the tests used to assess the effectiveness of the 6-week exercise program is provided and a summary of the findings included. Evaluate the 6-week exercise program in terms of achieving the short-term training goals. Describe any physiological adaptations that may have occurred that resulted in a change in health or fitness. Support discussion with reference to relevant academic literature.
    ▪ References: Present references using the APA style.
    ▪ Appendices: To include the full 6-week exercise program.
    This assessment must be completed as a portfolio in the Pebble+ Personal Learning Space Environment. The assessment is due to be submitted in Week 13 of Semester 1 and must be submitted electronically via the EXS1EFH – Exercise Fitness and Health ATLAS Workspace. Assignments received more than 5 working days after the due date or after feedback on the assessment task has been returned to any student by the Teaching Team member, will not be accepted. A mark of zero will be awarded. 5% of the possible marks
    for the assignment will be deducted for each day, or partial day up to a maximum of five working days after the due date. The penalty will be subtracted after the assignment grade has been calculated. Penalties do not apply to approved extensions unless the essay is submitted after the agreed extension due date
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