Indigenous and Cross Culture Psychology
Assessment overview Critical reflexivity is a tool for decolonial thinking, “…characterized by a constant introspective evaluation of the self in relation to others, the social context, and the relations of power produced within and through social interactions.” (Fernández, 2018, p. 297). This assessment is an opportunity for you to engage in critical self-reflexivity that begins with an examination of the self and family and to learn more about your family history of im/migration. For the purpose of your assessment, im/migration is defined as “…the movement and/or displacement of peoples from one place—region, state, country, or geopolitical location—to another, either through force or freewill” (Fernández, 2018, p. 304). Assessment approach This assessment draws on a Life Story research approach. Life story research offers an opportunity to explore meanings and draw interpretations from lived experiences. Lived experiences offer a deep and rich insight into the worldviews, behaviours, activities and meanings that construct the world in which we live. According to Plummer (1995), “Life Story research aims to investigate the subjective meanings of lives as they are told in the narratives of participants…” (p. 50). This approach has been variously referred to as a Life Story, biography, case study, and personal narrative. The overarching research question guiding your assessment is: What are your family’s* lived experiences of im/migration?
The specific objectives associated with this research question are:
- What obstacles or challenges did your interviewee experience or witness? How might these compare or contrast to the experiences of other ethnic and/or im/migrant communities?
- What role did race, ethnicity, social class, gender, sexuality, citizenship status, religion, and other social categories have in your interviewee’s history? Did any of these social categories present challenges for your interviewee? Assessment task and submission requirements Interview (interview guide development, interview, and transcription): Begin by identifying one of your family members (over 18 years of age) whom you can interview. *We are taking a broad definition of family, this could be a relative, close relationship, or someone with whom you share an important and personal connection. Develop an unstructured interview guide, and schedule and conduct one or a few interviews with a Page 2 of 7 member of your family who is willing to share with you their story (via phone, video conference platform or in person). Provide your interviewee with the information sheet and consent form provided to you, ask them to complete this prior to engaging in the interview. The consent form must be signed before you begin your interview. Electronic signatures are acceptable. Once you have obtained consent, start audio recording the interview and transcribe it verbatim. This includes all sounds made by the interviewee, for example umm, ahh, ohh, err, hmm. These can provide additional context for the information – e.g. whether they were thinking about their answer, unsure, uncomfortable. Transcribe the interview questions as well as the answers provided to give additional context. Include the duration of your interview at the end of the transcript. Refer to interviewees with a pseudonym or initials to maintain their confidentiality at all times. Interviews should be unstructured (i.e., exploratory and inductive) in such a way that you create space for your family member to tell their story of im/migration with an emphasis on the emotional, cultural and social aspects of their experiences. Interviews should be no longer than 60 minutes as described to participants in the information sheet and consent form. Please be mindful that for every one hour of audio‐recorded interview, you should be prepared to spend approximately three hours transcribing. Indigenous and Cross Culture Psychology
Learning activities to support this component: A tutorial on developing an interview guide, and a tutorial on interviewing skills.
Data analysis: Analyse your interview data using an inductive thematic analysis, following the steps outlined in the resource (available on e-reserve): · Clarke, V., Braun, V., & Hayfield, N. (2015). Thematic Analysis. In J. Smith (Ed.), Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods (3rd ed., pp. 222-248). Sage: London You may conduct your analysis manually (in Word) or via NVivo (instructions on how to download NVivo for home use will be provided on Blackboard). In your data analysis, focus on your overreaching research question and the stated specific objectives. Learning activities to support this component: Supplementary instructional videos on how to complete a thematic analysis, available for viewing on the Blackboard site for this unit. Written submission: You are required to compose a written piece of work comprising the following three (3) sections set out under these sub-headings:
- A life story or narrative (30 marks)
- Findings (30 marks)
- Discussion (30 marks)
- A Life Story or narrative: A Life Story or narrative is a re‐telling of an individual’s experiences, capturing personal history and life events, placing emphasis on the emotional, cultural and social aspects of a life lived. Page 3 of 7 The life story should have the following features:
- The Life Story should describe the social, historical, and political context in which the im/migration experience took place.
- A re-telling of your interviewee’s experiences (in your own words, at times integrating direct quotations) with im/migration in a logical, chronological structure fashion, with emphasis on the deeper‐level meanings your interviewee ascribes to events, experiences and personal history.
- You may use direct quotes from your interviewee in the Life Story, however, do so in ways which add to, rather than distract the reader from, the flow of the narrative. Learning activities to support this component: Learning materials and resources on Blackboard.
- Findings: In this section, you are expected to present themes generated from a thematic analysis of your interview data. Your themes should respond to the objectives you focused on within your analysis (detailed above). Learning activities to support this component: Supplementary instructional videos on how to write a thematic analysis, available for viewing on the Blackboard site for this unit.
- Discussion: In this section, you are required to interpret your Findings in context of relevant theories and research. In addition, in your discussion, specifically consider:
- In what ways does your interviewee’s im/migration story reflect concepts, theories, standpoints, or topics discussed in the unit?
- In learning about your interviewee’s history im/migration, what new insights have you gained about the history of Australia (or, if not Australia, the locality(ies) within which this history predominantly took place)?
- How has this new knowledge prompted you to reflect on your own position in Australia’s (or, if not Australia, the locality(ies) within which this history predominantly took place) social, cultural, historical, political context(s)? The theories and research you draw on should be meaningfully related to the content of your findings, and add depth and meaning to the generatedthemes. You may choose to focus on a key theme (or a few key themes) in this section, or you may choose to touch on each/all of the themes generated. Remember that focusing on one or a few themes may permit detail at the expense of breadth. However, attempting to cover numerous themes may make it difficult to provide good detail in the spacepermitted. Learning activities to support this component: Lecture materials and reading list (on Blackboard) are a resource and starting point for your literature search. Submission requirements For equity purposes, abide by the following formatting rules. Be sure to follow formatting requirements as text that exceeds the requirements will not be read and therefore cannot be marked. Formatting requirements are as follows:
- Maximum of 7 pages, EXCLUDING reference list, interview transcript, information sheet and consent form.
- 12 point Times New Roman
- Double Spaced (i.e. Line spacing = double)
- Page numbers bottom right hand side Page 4 of 7
- No need for a contents page or headers/footers
- 2.5cm margins
- Section headings can be used and are encouraged
- Your written submission (Life story, Findings, and Discussion) must be submitted with your verbatim interview transcript attached. Note: there are no formatting requirements for the transcript.
- You are not required to submit the interview schedule or audio-recording of your interview(s)
- The Consent form and information sheet will need to upload separately (to protect the confidentiality of the interviewee) to the dedicated ‘Consent submission’ Turnitin Portal. Your Life story will not be marked without a completed consent form. Referencing Ensure that you support any claims whether they are in the form of ideas, or words, with appropriate referencing. Follow the referencing style of the APA manual (7th Ed). Plagiarism For information on academic integrity please see the unit outline. We encourage you to submit drafts of part one of your assessment to the draft portal on Turnitin to check your work prior to final submission. You will submit your final assessment to the FINAL submission portal. It is your responsibility to check that you have submitted the correct assessment to the correct portal. Final submission of your assessment and late penalties Your assessment is due by Tuesday 31st August 2021 by 15.00 AWST. Your assessment must be submitted by uploading it as a Word document (.doc or .docx) or as pdf to the Submission point on Blackboard which is in the Assessment Folder (under Assessments). The submission time is indicated by the time that electronic submission is recorded. Students will be penalised as per the late assessment guidelines in the Unit Outline. An assignment more than seven calendar days overdue will not be marked. Work submitted after this time (due date plus seven days) may result in a Fail ‐ Incomplete (F‐IN) grade being awarded for the unit. Unit Learning Outcomes In this assessment you will demonstrate the following learning outcome:
- Conduct interview for Life Story and report thefindings References This assessment is adapted from the task outlined by Fernández (2018) in the following:
· Fernández, J. S. (2018). Decolonial pedagogy in community psychology: White students disrupting white innocence via a family portrait assignment. American Journal of Community Psychology, 62(3-4), 294-305. Page 5 of 7 Assessment Rubric: Assessment 1- Life Story High Distinction (≥ 80%) Distinction (70-79%) Credit (60-69%) Pass (50-59%)