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Immigration And Law The Dream Act

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I. Format

The final essay must be typed on paper and needs to be a minimum of 8 pages. One additional page can be added if needed. This does not include the title page or reference page.  The essay needs to be written in APA format and must include the following sections:

  • Title Page (not a section of your paper but is required).
  • Introduction / Statement of Purpose,
  • Basic Description/Background,
  • Discussion/Analysis, Personal Assessment,
  • Conclusion, and
  • References. (references used for major points in your paper.  Books, internet sources, articles etc.
  • Power Point Presentation – 8 to 10-minute presentation.  Minimum 5 slides. Q/A.

Title Page

Create a separate page with the title of your paper, your name, email address, the course (ECS 15), the quarter and year (Spring Quarter 2020), the instructor’s name (Professor Bonnie Glenn), and the date.

1. Introduction

1.1. Topic: (Immigration and the law in the US: The Dream Act)

This subsection states your topic or describes your narrowed subject area. Please refer to the ‘Final Essay’ module on Canvas for a list of topic ideas.

1.2. Rationale

Please explain why you wanted to do this research in this subsection.

1.3. Additional information

Here, you should add any other related introductory material. Not required.

2. Statement of Purpose

In this section, please present the questions your paper will answer, and an overview of the organization of the paper.

3. Basic Description / Background

Describe your topic in some detail. Your report should include references to facts you learned in your research and/or review of the subject matter.  Organize your points in clear and distinct sections.  

Important. You must cite a source for every major fact or statement in this section. This section should not contain your personal opinions about these facts or statements; those will come later in the paper.

4. Discussion / Analysis  / Personal Assessment

In this section, apply the insights you learned from review of the subject matter and the class to the topic of this paper. Consider the application carefully. Give your opinions and support them with facts. Remember, your opinion may not be “right” or “wrong”, but it should be “justified” or “unjustified”.

4.1. Factual review

This section should add your opinions about the material in section 3. Describe the strengths and weaknesses based on your research, review and earlier knowledge of the area.

4.2. Personal Assessment

In this section include your personal assessment on the topic matter and support why you have come to this conclusion.

5. Conclusions

On the basis of your research, what is your conclusion and why.  Summarize what you have learned and in particular explain what you want the reader to learn from your paper.

6. References

This section begins on a new page and contains all your references: journal articles, books, Internet resources, interviews, videos, films, and so forth. The reader should be able to locate this information . 

II. Paper Presentation:

Due after your class presentation – 8 to 10-minute presentation with Power Point Slides. Q and A to follow.  Minimum of 5 Power Point slides. 

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