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How AirBnB Affect Local Rents

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Assignment Titles

Your semester two written assignment will be an essay selected from the micro ones below and must comply with the general instructions for the submission of assignments. It must be submitted on the date as stated in the course calendar. Failure to comply with this instruction may result in a grade of zero.

Your essay should be a maximum of 2000 words in length (excluding bibliography, tables and diagrams). Please note that your assignment will be down-graded for excessive quoting, the absence of a bibliography, and unreasonable length. You should use micro economic analysis when addressing these questions. NB this is not group work. If your work looks like someone else’s, we WILL SUSPECT plagiarism which, if found to be the case, may result in a failure of the YEAR.

  1. How might AirBnB affect local rents?

Financial Update 20/21 Housing

Reuters  FEBRUARY 6, 2019 Greek hoteliers say home-renting to tourists ‘out of control’ OCTOBER 23 2019 By: Thomas Hale Revisiting rent control in Massachusetts

Reuters SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 California approves statewide rent control to deal with housing crunch

This question asks you to consider shifts and when you move along schedules. It also requires you to apply elasticity of supply to housing

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