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Healthcare in the Digital World HDW204

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Presentation -Web-based health record technology platform

Task Summary
In Assessment task 2 you examined patient-focused technology platforms. In this assessment task,
you will examine web-based health record technology platforms used by numerous health care
professionals. For this assessment task, you will present your current knowledge and understanding
of the responsibilities of the health care professional and the rights ofthe patient/client regarding the
professional, legal and ethical considerations of a web-based health record technology platform
(electronically stored health information).

Not only do we want our patients/clients embracing technology associated with health care, we as
health care professionals also need to embrace it. Technology is the way forward in health care and
as such we now use computers to make appointments, write progress notes, view blood results and
nuclear medicine results and record other assessment and treatment data.
This assessment task requires you to identify and examine current, real-world web-based health
record technology available in health care today. You will gain skills in producing an informative and

engaging presentation, improve your ability to effectively and accurately communicate information,
increase your knowledge and understanding of the professional legal and ethical considerations of
technology and improve your academic skills.
Task Instructions
To complete this assessment task:
 Please select one (1) of the below web-based health record technology platforms to focus
your presentation on.
 In your presentation, demonstrate your current understanding of the issues outlined below
in relation to this technology platform:
o Confidentiality and privacy
o Data privacy and security
o Equity
o Roles and responsibilities associated with your profession
o Interprofessional collaboration
 Record a 5-minute digital presentation addressing the above points as per the recording
instructions below.
Web-based health record technology platforms
 Please select one (1) of the below web-based health record technology platforms to focus
your presentation on:
 Medical director –
 Best practice software –
 Stat health systems -
Recording Instructions
 This recording will be conducted either facing the camera or delivering the presentation
or using voice over and other visual footage or tools (e.g.slides).
 Be specific and clear as you will be assessed on originality andauthenticity.
 Your presentation must be in a video format (mp4, MOV, etc.) for uploading into
Blackboard. Tips on filming a video presentation is available at:
 You should refer to the assessment rubric below when preparing the presentation.
 For any questions related to the content for this assessment, please refer to your Learning
8+ references are required for this assessment task. Use recent, relevant and reliable resources to
complete this task. These should be peer reviewed literature, related to the subject matter and no
older than seven years

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