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Health Related Human Right Report

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Task Description

For this task you need to submit a 1,000-word proposal outlining an advocacy approach that addresses a health-related human rights violation. Your advocacy approach should use the strategies and tools covered in the textbook and the lecture.

You may use the population/ issue that you have worked on in Assessment 1.

Criteria and Marking 


  1. Brief overview of population and health-related human rights issue 2.5/30
  2. Overview of how human rights are being violated (based on treaties) 2.5/30
  3. Current formal (treaties) and informal (rights-based principles) advocacy approaches being used to bring attention to the rights that have been violated and to the obligations of the State 5/30

The advocacy approach that you have chosen with a justification.  You will need to include a clear goal, and answer the three broad questions:

  • What needs to change to ensure that human rights are protected?
  • Who has the power to make that change happen?
  • What capacity is lacking that will make change possible?

You will need to include a critique (potential strengths and weaknesses) of your strategy 15M/30

Evidence of action: this is very much dependent on your strategy for example, it could be a press release, a draft of a letter to a government official, a draft of a petition, details of protest march (speakers etc), a blog post to raise awareness etc. This is not included in the word count.  Please attach as an appendix. 5/30


You are required to submit your written work as a Word document via Turnitin by the due time and date. Please submit your draft to the draft submission point and ensure that your work is original before you submit to the final submission point.  I will not be reading drafts; this is for your benefit only to ensure that you do not have high levels of plagiarism. 


****No resubmission allowed**** 

How to Guide

Step 1: Identify the health-related human rights issue that is being violated.

Step 2:  Identify the relevant formal treaties and the informal human rights principles that should respect, protect, and fulfill this health-related human right.

Step 3: Identify current or past advocacy actions attempting to address the human rights abuse.

Step 4:  Identify your approach including a clear goal, objectives, or strategies.

Step 5: Analyse your approach through identifying the strengths and weaknesses.

Step 6: Write up your evidence of action (not included under word count – used as appendix).   

Use the following as a guide to structure your proposal. 


  • Introduce the health-related human right that you have chosen, provide an outline or signpost the sections of the report and note the main conclusion/s.


  • Brief overview of population and health-related human rights issue
  • Overview of how human rights are being violated (based on treaties)
  • Current (formal) treaties and informal (rights-based principles) advocacy approaches being used to bring attention to the rights that have been violated and to the obligations of the State.

Advocacy Strategy

  • Brief overview of the advocacy approach that you have chosen with a justification. 
  • Discuss the clear goal that your advocacy is trying to achieve including the change required, who needs to make it and what are the potential obstacles. 
  • Outline the potential strengths and weaknesses of your strategy.

Evidence of action

  • Present details of your advocacy action (for example blog post, letter etc).  Please present in the actual format of the action such as a formal letter addressed to the relevant government official.  This is not included in the word count.  Please attach as an appendix. 


List references, adhering to APA 7 referencing style.  Please note that your evidence of action does not have to use APA 7 where not appropriate (for example a blog post)

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