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Gibbs Reflective Cycle Assignment

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Gibbs Reflective Cycle Assignment


What adaptation strategies do I need to learn more about to effectively transition into the workforce as a graduate registered nurse?

Guidelines / structure The essay is to contain the following sections based on the Gibb’s Reflective Cycle:

  1. Introduction (100 words) – The introduction is a description of your chosen self-reflective topic and an overview of the key areas of your intended discussion.
  2. Personal and Professional self-reflection (500 words) – This is a first person self-reflective discussion and includes your feelings. This section must provide a comprehensive discussion of the key areas you feel important as you transition into practice as an RN based on your chosen topic.
  3. Evaluation (400 words) – This is a written evaluation that outlines how self-reflection is supported or refuted by the literature? An evaluative discussion written in third person is required (as per Gibb’s Reflective Cycle). The evaluation section must be supported through the use of contemporary, scholarly literature.
  4. Analysis (400 words) – This is a third person discussion of key outcomes based on your reflection and evaluation and what best practice literature has informed you in relation to the chosen topic. Consider the stages of reality shock and how they inform your transition into practice. (Note this section also covers the ‘conclusion’ section of the Gibb’s Reflective Cycle).
    1. Strategies for practice – (300 words) Based on your analysis, what specific positive strategies, would assist you transition into practice as a registered nurse? This section written in third person relates to the Action Plan identified in the Gibbs Reflective Cycle. Credible Scholarly literature sources that support the strategies are required and must be correctly referenced.
    2. Essay Conclusion (100 words) – This section includes a summary of the main points and what you have learnt from the self-reflection. Note: this is not the Gibb’s Reflective Cycle conclusion step – this is the conclusion to your essay. In this conclusion you also need to consider the process of reflection, and its importance, with reference to Gibb’s Reflective Cycle.

    Writing Style: The description, personal and professional self-reflection should be written in first person. The remainder of the essay should be written in third person.



  5. Referencing/ citations: For this assessment you will use APA 7th referencing style.  Sources: the expectation for an essay of this length is approximately 12- 15 references with the majority no older than 6 years old. • In text citations: You must include in-text citations in the body of work. Each new point or piece of evidence must be attributed (via in-text citation) to the source.


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