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Gender Depression and Levels of Intervention

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Task Description

According to the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study, depression is now the second leading cause of
disease burden (as cited in Ferrari et al., 2013), whilst WHO (2012) declares depression to be the leading
cause of disability worldwide. There is a distinct pattern along gender lines when it comes to prevalence
rates of depression: unipolar depression is twice as common in women (WHO, n.d.).
Depression has been linked to the experience of discrimination (Belle & Doucet, 2003), violence
(Pico‐Alfonso et al., 2006; Ludermir et al., 2010) and human rights abuses.
Choose a population group in Australia (for example: young Australians aged between 12‐25 years, males
above the age of 40 years, pregnant women, prisoners, Aboriginal Australians). Your population group
can be a specific group of women, men, or both. In 1500 words, address the following:
 Describe current evidence (within the last 10 years) relating to levels of depression for your
population group.
 Discuss how these patterns of depression among this group are socially determined. Refer to issues of
gender and human rights in your explanation. (see WHO, 2019)‐equity‐
 Propose a health promotion intervention to prevent depression and promote positive mental health
for this population group. Consider a social‐ecological model to explain the effects of potential
prevention strategies, and identify the level of intervention for your proposed initiative (primary,
secondary or tertiary).
Guidelines for completing the task
This task can be addressed by including two sections in the body of your assessment. Section 1
focuses on the evidence relating to depression for your population and the determinants of this. Your
population can be comprised of men, women or both, but your discussion of patterns of depression
within this group must relate to gendered determinants of mental health.
Section 2 proposes an intervention to prevent depression in your chosen population group. This
intervention must be clearly located within a social‐ecological framework, and you should identify
whether it is a primary, secondary or tertiary intervention.
PUBH6000 Assessment 2 Option 1
Assessment 2: PUBH 6000
Report: Gender, depression and levels of intervention.
Assessment 2 Template

 Provide a short introduction which gives the reader an overview of the whole assignment. Briefly
introduce the public health problem (depression) and identify the specific population group that your
report will focus on. Explain that your report will propose an intervention to prevent depression and
promote positive mental health for this population group.
Section 1: Understanding depression within [Chosen population]
 In this section, provide an overview of evidence relating to depression within your chosen
population. Discuss the determinants of depression for this group. Pay attention to analysing social
and gendered determinants of depression for your population group. Support your statements with
evidence from references, both from grey literature sources such as the Australian Institute of Health
and Welfare (AIHW) and peer reviewed academic literature.
Section 2: An intervention to prevent depression and promote mental health for [Chosen population]
 In this section, propose an intervention to prevent depression and promote mental health for your population
group. Locate this intervention with a social‐ecological framework, and identify whether it is a primary,
secondary or tertiary intervention. Refer to readings from module 3 in regard to these concepts. Your
proposed intervention can be a completely new idea or it can draw on existing interventions. Either way, it
must be clearly explained how your intervention addresses depression, and you must support your claims with
 Provide a brief conclusion which does not introduce any new information, but ‘ties the assessment
together’. It should provide a recap of the information discussed in regard to patterns of depression
in your population group and the determinants of this. It should also give a short overview of the
intervention that was proposed. This provides a useful overall summary for the reader.
General points
 Please use sub headings for sections 1 and 2 as per this assessment brief. Introduction and
conclusion do not need subheadings.
 Appropriate scholarly sources include peer review journal articles, subject readings, academic books
and book chapters and publications from reputable grey literature sources. Reports from the
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) are likely to be particularly useful, as well as other
Australian Government sources and publications from reputable NGOs such VicHealth. The World
PUBH6000 Assessment 2 Option 1
 Health Organisation (WHO) is also an important source of publications.
Please look for publications from these sources such as reports, rather than relying only upon
information available on their webpages.
 Please cite at least 10‐12 scholarly sources for this assessment.
 Ensure your report is written in a clear manner, including spelling, grammar, structure, tone, and
accurate referencing in accordance with the latest APA guidelines (APA 6th).

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