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Functional Genomics and Proteomics Assignment

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Functional Genomics and Proteomics Assignment

  • Overview:

    This practical report based on the results obtained from the “Whole genome sequencing for identification and gene function prediction of bacterial genomes” pracs.

    Total marks available are 20
    Assessment due date: October
    You can submit a single Word Document/PDF file.
    The report should contains 1200- 1500 words for BIOL2267 and 1800-2000 words for BIOL2332 students (excluding references) and contains the following sections:
    Include the following: 1) Application of whole genome sequencing in epidemiology studies 2) What is spotty liver disease (SLD) in chickens and what bacteria is responsible for the cause of SLD? 3) The aim of the practicals.

    Material and Methods

    Briefly describe the material and methods used in the pracs (for making libraries and Bioinformatics), appropriately cite the sources of the methods


    Results presentations includes 1) name of species; 2) ANI value; 3) Number of coding sequences and RNAs of your isolate ; 4) virulence genes 5) antibiotic resistance genes 6) plasmids ; 7) Subsystem Feature Counts (SEED Viewer)


    Interpretation of your findings, compare them with the literature: Is it the same species as the bacteria known to cause SLD in chickens? What are the genomics and proteomics features of the isolate and compare them to those of other common Campylobacter species. The risk of antibiotic resistant plasmids present in bacteria isolated from poultry sources.


    Write a short paragraph on the overall findings


    All references mentioned in the text are correctly cited with consistent reference style for every reference

    Learning Objectives Assessed:

    This assessment supports CLOs 2, 3, 4 & 6. APA FORMAT

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