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Food Movement Analysis Assignment

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For this assignment you are to research and explain an alternative food movement of interest to you. Food movements across the world are raising critical questions about how we treat food production and consumption and are providing alternative ways to growing, buying, producing and consuming food. You will need to select one food movement (i.e. Slow Food Movement, Organic Food Movement, Fair Trade Movement, 100 Mile diet, Food Sovereignty Movement, etc.) and write an analysis on what this food movement is about and the potential it may (or may not) have to change the way we organize food production. Your analysis should respond to all of the following questions:

i) What are the key ideas, methods and principles (values) of the movement?
ii) Who is attracted to participate in this movement?
iii) What are the local and global impacts of this movement?
iv) What are the strengths, weaknesses and challenges of this movement?
v) What potential could this movement have on future food production and consumption?

Given that this is a research assignment you will need to conduct some research and cite at least three external sources using a reference page or bibliography. Please be sure to properly reference (using APA or MLA style) all resources you use in your analysis. (Please see blackboard for APA/MLA referencing guides). Organize the analysis like an essay with a short introduction at the beginning, a conclusion at the end and at least five body paragraphs that corresponds with the five questions stated above
The assignment should be 3 pages (approx. 1000 words, double spaced, 12pt font) plus a title page and a bibliography page.

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