Evidence Based Nursing Research Assignment
The assignment should be based on the approach and methods you would use to answer the research question you developed and encompass the following sections:
- Contents page
- Introduction
- the main body of the assignment which will include:
- 750words (approx.) on searching for evidence
- 2000 words (approx.) research pilot design
- 750words (approx.) on dissemination and implementation
- Conclusions
- Reference list – all references should be cited using APA7th referencing style (guidance can be found here)
5.Appendicies -if used
Your final assessment will comprise of One 3,500 Word Essay which will make up 100% of your overall grade.
Evidence Based Nursing Research Assignment
Frame your assignment around three main areas:
- PART 1: Discussing how you would search for evidence and evaluating this selected evidence
- PART 2: Design a small pilot study, following the stages of the research process
- PART 3: Discuss how you would disseminate the findings from you study and how implementation might occur.
Part 1 in more detail requires you to:
- Describe how you will locate relevant evidence for the chosen scenario (including key words & database)
- Provide a clear systematic search strategy
- Retrieve relevant literature (minimum 6 articles)
- Evaluate the evidence based on hierarchy of evidence
Part 2 in more detail requires you to:
Develop a research proposal based around the following areas:
1.Developing a research question
2.Determine research approach – you need to choose from one of the following:
Quantitative – experimental
Quantitative – observational
3.Determine Setting
4.Sampling method
5.Inclusion/exclusion criteria
8.Data Collection
9.Data Analysis (you will not actually analyse data – but you need to discuss how you might analysis the data if it was collected.)
*You must use literature to demonstrate you understand the research process and to justify the decisions you are making when planning your research.
Part 3 in more detail requires you to:
- Consider how you would share your work (Dissemination Plan) and implement changes in practice
- Write about what will help or hinder dissemination and implementation using evidence to support your writing.
- Assessment Question Choice
3.5. Correct Referencing and Presentation
Referencing & Presentation in adherence with University Guidelines (Worth 10% of the final mark)
- Throughout your assignment references must be cited using the accepted format. For guidance on APA7th please follow this link.
- Your assignment should read coherently, be proof-read and be grammatically accurate.
- Assignment must be presented in accordance with University Guidelines
Your assignment should be presented in Arial, Size 12 font and double-line spaced. It should have the accepted front cover correctly completed, a signed plagiarism declaration sheet, contents page and each page should be numbered.
- References to appropriate literature to support assignment
The references used should demonstrate that you have undertaken wider reading to support your learning. They should come from a variety of sources such as journal articles, text books and reliable internet sources.
- The Assignment should be logical in sequencing and presented as an academic piece of work
The assignment should be presented as an academic piece of work (i.e. have a brief introduction, main body -including the EBP and critique sections- and a brief conclusion). Each section should have a logical flow to it. You should use ‘third person’ wherever possible.
- Accurate Grammar & Spelling
Remember to use spell check before you submit and consider getting someone to ‘proof-read’ it for you!
- Accurate referencing
All sources, must be correctly cited in alphabetical order in your reference list using the APA7th system. N.B. The reference list is not counted in the word count but citations within the essay are.
- Adheres to word limit
N.B. More than 10% over will incur a penalty (excluding appendices and references). If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% you will be penalised on a sliding scale, from 10% to 100% reduction in marks