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Equity Creating Inequity Argument

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Equity Creating Inequity Argument


Arguments for Equity Creating Inequality

To discuss this argument for equity creating inequality, it is important to have the basics of these terms. Since they were discussed in our previous discussion we will use that knowledge and doing further research will enable us to have more knowledge in this discussion. Equity was developed to correct mistakes of fairness that can arise from common law. An example of remedy used inequity is that of restitution a word famously or infamously associated with the African American slaves of the Americans and their descendants today. Some organizations in America like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People thought that this was the solution to free the slaves after their oppression activities like separation of families, murder, rape, and other injustices like deprivation of their labor profits among others.

‘Restitution” is a tool of corrective justice. When the two parties are involved in any transfer of value and its normatively defective, restitution functions to correct that transfer. This is done by restoring the two parties to their good transfer relationship. To determine if restitution is a tool for corrective works we can have a look at the African American citizens and we will find out that the descendants of those freed are not equal to the other citizens. This serves as a good example where inequality is demonstrated. This is shown in an essence where the number of homeless citizens of African ethnicity outweighs the Americans. Also in terms of wealth, there is a noticeable difference between these ethnicities. The other communities lie behind in terms of wealth and also other factors which are used to measure and analyze inequality (Scalise Jr, 2017). Equity Creating Inequity Argument

Rescission is another remedy that is used to measure equity. The term rescission means the right of a party to be involved in a contract and the contract set aside to be restored to his former position and if the contract had never been made. This means that a contract may be put aside with valid reasons whereby this can also create inequality as some contracts may be completed by the chosen person. Another way a remedy can be created is through ratification. Ratification seeks to protect a party that is not biased by the existence of some documents. This remedy seems reasonable and even just as it aims to set aright inequality but with other equity, it falls short and creates inequality. By following the set of rules, this remedy creates inequality of the same magnitude as it was set to offset. This shows that it seems to be mandatory for every institution to practice inequality during their daily activities. In an example of African American communities, the levels of inequality have remained high since rescission has enabled those who are involved in a contract to put the said contract aside while any monetary losses are compensated in specific cases a comparative piece of work may not be available thus creating equality (Ehlenz, 2019).

Question 2

Individual reflection

We formed a WhatsApp group to discuss, share ideas, and also enlighten each other which enabled us to communicate and the group became so useful. The group shared the tasks with everybody in the group undertaking his/her task professionally meeting our deadlines. I have noted that I am lagging on the conversations though saying sorry is not applicable since this happened from the beginning of WhatsApp. It wasn’t going to be easy since the beginning as it was clear that since I work early in the mornings and weekends and other members of the group are busy as can be indicated by the number of chatters on the weekends. This is symbolized by an incidence whereby we often used over 100 messages to simply discuss a segment in which whereby 2 members were quarreling continuously.

This behavior annoyed me since most of the time I would hear message alerts while trying to sleep or when am at work in the morning to realize that the argument was about a pointless discussion. Again another member suggested that we do the segments but the layout was unclear, I expressed this by trying to seek clarification but I was met with the same unclear information which I reaffirmed my first idea which was not correct. I tried to correct this error by extension of time whereby some members suggested in a forceful and annoying utterance claiming that we should have requested the extension the first day we opened the group and I completed the assignment and I was gratefully to leave the group as soon as I submitted.

I feel this kind of mindset does not help a group activity. I was pleased to put this torment behind me and sincerely and hope that there will be no more group assignments and if there is, I think I will take a more active approach to be involved and try to direct the group to be as clear as possible and be involved in the argument in the least cases. I tried to complete my assigned task and submitted it at the allocated time and to the best of my ability


Ehlenz, M. M. (2019). Shared equity homeownership in the United States: A literature review. Journal of Planning Literature, 3-18.

Scalise Jr, R. J. (2017). Some Fundamentals of Trusts. Ownership or Equity in Louisiana, 53.

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