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Emergency and Nonemergency Services

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These telehealth services will include both emergency and non-emergency services:

EMERGENCY Services- Neurology and Stroke

NON-Emergency Services -Cardiology

Now that you have some background information, it is time for you to develop a marketing plan to make this new service a success for Blue Sky Regional Medical Center.

Points to remember and add to your written assignment

1. Formulate overall strategic goals and objectives. What does a successful telehealth program look like?

2. Establish Marketing Objectives

3. Formulate and give an overview of your Marketing Strategy .Determine your target market. Who is your target audience? .Perform a SWOT analysis for each target audience. Develop your “message” -How will I attract my audience? How are we different?

4. Develop an Action Plan .Take the “message” and identify resources, staff [Who should be involved in developing the marketing plan?], and finances. Summarize key marketing activities. Be detailed and give specific activities – i.e. brochures, newsletters, social media, community events, campaigns/promotions, etc.

5. Evaluate the Plan- Formulate measurable marketing activities How will you measure the program’s success?▪How will you measure the success of your marketing activities? How will know if your marketing plan was a success?

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