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Economics of International Trade Assignment

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This assignment requires you to prepare a report for your allocated economy. Based on your paired research, this report will analyse the key macroeconomic indicators (GDP, Inflation, Unemployment) and trade performance (Balance of Payments) of your allocated economy.

Your discussion should pay particular attention to issues around macroeconomic concepts, economic growth, export/import performance as well as relevant trade policies.

The objective of this report is to:

  • Communicate effectively and clearly in a written format using a quantitative approach
  • Demonstrate your understanding of macroeconomic indicators, trade performance and analyse accordingly.
  • To achieve a good grade, you will need to demonstrate a good level of competency in the research, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of economic data.

This report should include a clear and concise analysis, along with supporting your discussion with data-based evidence, such as tables and figures (no more than 8 tables/figures). All tables/figures need to be referenced under the graph and appropriate titles should be presented at the top of the graph.

Report Overview:

This report will be worth 30% of the overall grade marks.


  1. The deadline for submission is week 9 – 15th November 6pm (class time, swapping with Bernard Vallely)
  2. The report should be between 1500 and 2000 words (maximum). A penalty of words over this limit will be applied. Please state word count on the front page of submission. Include page numbers.
  3. Reports are to be word-processed Times New Romans with size 12 font and 1.5 spacing. A front page is required with each student’s name, student number and the title of the assignment
  4. On submission day, one copy is to be submitted in class along with signed student declaration forms. No binding, plastic covers etc. a single staple in the top left corner is sufficient to keep the report together.

You will be given a receipt when you hand in the assignment. The assignment will also need to be submitted online via blackboard and Turnitin.

  • Note penalties will apply on Late Submissions as per CIT guidelines
  • Please reference any material using Harvard referencing style. A reference list must be provided at the end of the assignment. Good research and a varied amount/type of references will result in higher marks.
  • Assignment will be checked through Turnitin.
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