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Dual Diagnosis Community work Assignment

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Assignment Number Two: 50%
• An individual 2500 word written assignment.
• You are required to reference correctly, using the APA 7th
reference style;
Please email the course coordinator / post on the Course
Discussion Threads regarding any queries on the assignment

In keeping with RMIT policy all assignments are to be
submitted through the Turnitin Portal available via the course

The Turnitin portal will open 4 weeks prior to the assignment
due date to allow you to submit your assignment. You are
allowed to submit it as many times as you would like up until
23:59; the assignment I will receive to mark will be the LAST
one you submitte

Task to be undertaken
Read the following instructions carefully in order to complete this
part of the assessment for this course.
Select one of the following two tasks for your assignment:
Task 1

Lisa is a 27-year-old woman who presents to her local GP. On interview Lisa
presents as a softly spoken, petite young woman who sounds like a young
child. She is dressed in jeans and a t-shirt top and is carrying a silver sports
bag. She is well groomed and neatly attired and has her hair tied back in a
ponystail. Lisa looks much younger than her actual age. She has cuts (mostly
superficial) to her arms and legs.
This is Lisa’s fifth presentation to the GP, and she is also well known to the
community mental health service because of her frequent episodes of selfharm. She feels that her life is out of control and that she needs some
assistance to get her life in order. Lisa had previously established a good
relationship with community mental health team, but she becomes distressed
if she thinks she has ‘let you down’. She is currently smoking cannabis daily
and drinking 2 bottles of wine per day. Her substance use has escalated over
the past few weeks.
Lisa has a history of self-harm when she is in crisis. Initially she was admitted
when she became psychotic after using methamphetamines. Her first
inpatient admission to substance use and mental illness treatment team was
for withdrawal from cannabis. She has also had previous admissions to
mental health services related to anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD). Lisa has a history of not completing substance misuse treatment
programs as she wants to leave when she feels the stress is under control. She
attended an anxiety group several times and engaged well but did not
complete the programme.
Lisa has a long history of sexual abuse. Her mother remarried when Lisa was
11 and Lisa’s mother shared Lisa with her stepfather. Her stepfather also sold
her to other men. Lisa was raped at some time during early adolescence but
her recall of the event is vague. Currently Lisa has no contact with her family.

Lisa has had a series of relationships, always with older men. Her last partner
was in his fifties and her current partner is 23 years older than her. Lisa wants
the relationships to work, and each new relationship ‘is the one’. There has
been a history of domestic violence in every relationship, although Lisa
denies that there is any abuse in the current one. Her previous partner had an
injunction issued against Lisa as he believed that she was stalking him and he
was frightened for his safety. She has never been employed on a full-time
basis and is on DSP payment. Lisa advises that her current partner is a highprofile businessman.
Lisa sees a psychiatrist occasionally and a psychologist at irregular intervals.
Lisa states that she feels more comfortable with the community mental health
team and likes one-to-one counselling.
Assignment question
Given Lisa’s complex personal and medical history, search the
literature and critically discuss the focus of clinical nursing
intervention. And explore the key professional and community
stakeholders need to be involved in collaboration with the
community mental health team.

Task 2

Critically review one of the community mental health nursing roles with a
focus on historical development, roles, challenges and opportunities facing in
the future.

Additional Instructions

margins on all sides of page with double spaced in 12 point Times New
Roman in WORD format. You are required to comply with set work
limits, deviations beyond 10% either way maybe penalized (do not count
the words in your reference list but do count the words used in in-text

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