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Dietary Analysis Report

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This assessment is aimed at develop the students understanding of a chosen diet, and the
role it may play in contributing to a person’s health and wellbeing.
By prescribing this assessment, students are able to build on their understanding of the
importance of nutrition in common diets and the potential therapeutic benefits linked to
health. This assessment allows students to further advance their skills in sourcing and
identifying reliable and credible information, which they will incorporate into their written
work. Students are able to develop their academic writing skills, as they are expected to
express their ideas in a coherent and logical manner, while also enhancing their critical
analysis skills, through interpretation and translation of the information researched.

Choose a diet from the list below and using evidence-based research, write a report that
analyses the nutritional value of the diet in relation to the proposed therapeutic benefits.
 CSIRO Diet
 GAPS Diet
 Vegan Diet
 Paleo Diet

Be sure to cover the following areas in your report:
 Provide an overview of the diet, including foods to include/ avoid and any
restrictions related to timing of food and food combinations.
 Discuss and analyse the overall nutritional composition of the diet and any nutrients
that may be missing or be challenging to include.
 Discuss any challenges that a person may face if put on the diet and potential
strategies for overcoming those challenges.
 Discuss and analyse potential therapeutic benefits of the diet (be sure to base this
only on findings from recent, evidence-based research)
For more information on how to structure your report, including what is considered to be quality
references, please refer to the following page on How to Write a Report.
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How to Write a Report
The purpose of writing a report is to present information which can be described or analysed. The key
differences between writing a report and an essay; are that an essay provides opportunity for exploration of
ideas which can be expanded on in a lot more detail. A report on the other hand is more prescriptive in its
structure and the language that is used. This means that your writing style needs to be concise and clear.
Reports are broken up into headings and subheadings, can include tables, graphs and diagrams; and
information can be presented in dot point form where appropriate.
The following is a basic report structure which can be used to successfully complete this assessment task.
This section requires you to provide background information on the topic you have chosen to investigate
(including historical context, surrounding changes in our understanding), the purpose of your report, and what
information your report will contain. This section is to be written in complete sentences and paragraphs. It
does not to contain any dot point information or tables, graphs and diagrams.
Body of Report
This section will be broken up into a series of subheadings which will address each of the key areas you are
required to research for your topic. The majority of these sections should be written in complete sentences
and paragraphs however, you can include graphs, diagrams and tables that may be appropriate. Ensure that
you title these clearly, in the correct way, and reference using the APA system where necessary. Tables, graphs
and diagrams can also be added in an appendix at the end of your report, and when doing this, you need to
clearly state where the item can be located. Generally, information presented in this format does not count
towards your overall word count. Some information may be presented in dot point, however if the majority of
your information is set out in this way it makes it difficult to evaluate your level of understanding for each area
being researched.
This section brings together all of the information that you have presented in your report, and links back to
your introduction any information that adds value to our overall understanding of the topic. You can also
discuss any areas which have been identified as requiring further research or investigation and how this will
work to improve or change our understanding of the topic. This section does not introduce or discuss any new
information specifically, and like the introduction, will be written in complete sentences and paragraphs. No
tables, graphs, diagrams or dot points.
Ensure you are using the approved APA referencing system, listing your references in alphabetical order and
using valid and reliable sources; including: evidence-based research articles, as well as prescribed and
recommended texts. Do not use blogs, or generic websites. If using websites, ensure they are from reputable
organisations, for example government websites, WHO etc.
Here you can include information which you may have referred to specifically throughout your report, but
were unable to include directly into the report (usually due to limited word count). You need to ensure that
anything you include here is clearly titled and easily identifiable as to where it relates within your report.
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Word Count
Word count must be clearly displayed on the title page or cover sheet. Required word count does not include
text appearing in the title page, abstract, reference list or appendices, but does include in-text citations, the
body of the text, headings and tables*. Tables, graphs, and figures should be included as Appendices at the
end of your assignment, and should not substitute the amount of information or discussion in the body of the
academic submission, and should not consist of more than 10% of the total assignment word count. If you
have any queries please consult with your lecturer before you complete and submit your assessment.

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